Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Family Update

Here's just a little update on what's been going on with our family here in Wisconsin:

Aiden is getting into the swing of things at school, making friends, loosing teeth, and getting chased by girls. The babies and I have been enjoying some down-time at home. Bryan was recently made an official full time employee at work (he was on a 90 day probationary period since June). This means our new health care will start up October 1st, a HUGE answer to prayer.
Friends please continue to keep us in your prayers, we are still adjusting to our new life here.
If you would like to pray for us specifically here is our list of requests at this time:
- Continued success for Bryan at work
- Guidance and patience for us in deciding what to do about our living situation. We are still in a 2 bedroom apartment, and are trying to decide how long to stay here and what the plan should be next. It's so hard for me to have patience in this area!
- Health issues. I am having some issues (praise God for health insurance!) And Aiden is going to be having some more testing and evaluations. I'll keep you posted.
- A vehicle. We sold the motorcycle to help pay for our move out here, and now we only have one vehicle. This is becoming a challenge and we are concerned about winter. It is about an 8 minute walk to the bus stop, and I have to take all the kids with me. Temperatures go well below 0 here in the winter. Please pray that we would find a solution.

we are really excited to see my parents here next month, and then to be visiting my family in Indiana over Thanksgiving holiday.

Friends, if there is anything I can be praying for for you please feel free to email me likemaryandmartha@yahoo.com
I love to hear from anyone who has questions or concerns!

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