Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Warning: Big Sarcasm

I keep waiting for muffin-tops and white cankles to be trendy, but I don't think it's going to happen. I am really concerned, however, that God can't use me right now, because I am over my ideal BMI. The burden of 20 extra pounds has really been strengthening me as a person.
Any girl would rather be pretty than creative, wise, intellegent, motivated, or happy.

"Here's to well rounded, balanced living, and being happy how you are at this very minute."

What kind of pretty are you?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

old dirty dish rag

Every spring, when it's time to do that annual spring cleaning, I have another annual chore that I perform. There comes a day every spring, when I walk into my local Target and see all the cutesy teeny tiny bathing suits. Instantly, I am thrown into a panic. I begin to take inventory of my physical state and realize that I am sadly unkempt and neglected from over the winter months. When was the last time those toenails saw a fresh coat of paint? or those legs a ray of natural light? Geese lady, are you trying to look like Tom Selleck?
And the scale, oh dreaded platform of my self loathing and shame. Step up lightly, and tell myself the worst case scenario, so that if it's anything less I walk away pleased.
Most of my friends probably noticed that somewhere around Christmas I suddenly silenced on the topic of weight loss. I will confess that I have, like most humans, been having health problems. NOTHING SERIOUS. Just the type of thing that can cause some set backs. In fact, lately I've been feeling well, and the lack of exercise is just from being out of habit. I also had a period of time when I was so stressed out I couldn't function. Again, exercise would certainly help that too.
So time to get back on the ol' proverbial bandwagon.
I'm not a very "materialistic" person. I don't daydream about shoes or purses. I am way past any notion that an article of clothing could possibly make me "happy". Still, there is something to be said for having clothes that fit. After loosing a huge amount of weight last summer and now having gained a portion of it back, I am neither here nor there. I own jeans from sizes 6-16. That alone can seriously pray on a woman's nerves. I loath getting dressed to leave the house, and the thought of warm weather and getting out my shorts... I can't even tell you... I don't know what to say. I want the warm sunny weather, with sunglasses, and sweet tea, and barbecue. But SHORTS!
So anyway, there has been some neglect over long cozy winter months with boots and big sweaters.
Today, I'm going to drink my coffee and when my morning caffeine buzz hits: exercise, shower, SHAVE, tweeze, self tanner, and some toe nail polish along with that big foot file.
AND, later this week I will hit the grocery store for some healthy food and fresh cooking ideas.
To top it all off, a Martin family first. Bryan is trying to get in shape too (we're feeling closer and closer to 30). How nice for once that my best buddy can also be my fitness buddy. Well, not that he's planning to Shred with me.

"Thank you Lord for this lovely peaceful morning. Thank you for the birds I hear outside. Please help me to be in a positive mood this week, even when things don't seem very positive. I beg you for extra energy for my physical body. I am pulled and worked in so many directions and sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart. Help me to be a great mother and wife today. Take the glory Lord, it's all for you. Amen, hallelujah, have a great day!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I really enjoy change, especially in a controlled environment (when I'm choosing it). I really like changing my hair color and style, at least once a year. I didn't really get to do that for a while because I avoided hair chemical's while I was pregnant. So when I decided to go blond back in October I was really ready and excited. It took several months to get it as light as I wanted it. It's fun to be blond once in a while.
Anyway, so the whole blond thing started by recommendation from my husband. I enjoy his input when it comes to things like hair and clothes, he's my target audience after all. But when I finally turned up blond, he seemed rather indifferent. Not bad, he's definitely reacted much worse to other hair changes, but his reaction was definitely lacking.
So here it is only a few months later, I'm enjoying the blond, but when I was talking to him about scheduling my next hair appointment he says "yeah, you should go dark."
For real buddy? I like my hair either way, but what guy tries to get rid of a blond? So now I'm trying to decide what to do. Leave the blond a few more months? Or shake it up and do something different?
Either way, it's February and I still have about 10lbs that need to go away before summer.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

new blog

I have a new blog. This is probably the only time I will mention it here. I don't really plan to "pormote" my new blog the same ways as I have this one in the past. Although I would like some info from anyone who knows how to gain more followers from a specific community such as by the topic of the blog.
yeah, there ya have it.

Friday, February 5, 2010


I should have stopped to do a "Thursday Thanks" blog yesterday, I was just really busy and lost in all the projects I'm working on. SO I'm going to do thanks today instead. So here's my list and a little prayer for the weekend:

1. I am soooo-uh-oh grateful to my parents for my new computer. I have to add here that it was partly in support of my return to school coming up, but also an early birthday gift celebrating Nolan's 5th birthday-anniversary. More on that another time.

2. I am grateful for taxes. I can't say that every year, but I'll just leave it at that.

3. I'm grateful for my home. I have really enjoyed practicing a new "home-centered" way of living. That includes home school life.

4. I'm thankful for motivation and energy. Sometimes I don't have any, right now I have enough to spare. And I have been productive too!

5. Change. Not everyone enjoys change, but I know I do. Not without some difficulty, of course. Life should be treated like an adventure, a great commission. I don't know what God has planned for me next, but I know whatever it is I can glorify Him through it. Therefore no experience, good or bad, ever has to be a waste.

"Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me this week about the temporary existence we have here in this realm. Thank you for the energy and good health you have given me so that I may seize each opportunity to do something of value. This week was really planned out by you, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to trust you. Amen."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back in Black (favorite color :)

I never thought I would say this, but I sure am in the mood for summer. I have a mad craving for barbecue and a penchant for potato salad. I wouldn't even mind a little more sunlight (just no weather above 60).
Yep, it's a sure sign that I'm either divinely motivated or loosing my mind.

So...I have a computer. I'm so so so so soooo excited. I really needed one for school, but I have writers sickness and couldn't stand to be alone with myself any longer. Now I can clear my mind once in a while. Yes, I do know how to use a pen and paper, but I don't want to explain the difference.
So, now that I have had all this time free of internet and all of it's time sucking traps, I'm having a hard time wanting to return to cyberworld. I love the blog community and have no qualms with returning here, it's all those "other places" that I'm not so sure about.
So I will have to give the others some consideration. I do highly recommend a break from reality to anyone who is considering it. Believe it or not you do not NEED a cell phone, computer, car, or instant macaroni and cheese. I made home made biscuits the other day, HOME MADE. yeah, you try that sometime

Side note: when editing, why does spell check always tell me "internet" should be capitalized? it's not a real place, or person. ?? (I'm rolling my eyes here)