Monday, June 22, 2009


What a rough past couple weeks. I hate to say this, but it seems that loss always comes in bundles. I'm not going to elaborate on that at this point but there are probably lots of people who already know at least one of the things I'm talking about. Selfishly I am stunned that for once it feels like I am not the one who is being put into the Potter's fire, although I feel it very strongly for my friends who are hurting.

So here is a real Martin family update: I made a killing at the Tapps Island garage sale a couple weekends ago. I sold a bunch of stuff we never wanted to look at again. However, in doing so we have also made a new isssue for ourselves. I sold a set of bookshelves and some bar stools leaving us no where to sit when we eat and no where to put our many books. The idea is to get rid of the old to make way for the new, but um.... The upside is I used the procedes of the event to FINALLY get a washer and dryer, my mom doesn't have to do my laundry anymore (wierd/sad laugh here). We also got a new dining room table (which we haven't had in years) at a garage sale for $30, and it looks pretty sweet, just need some darn chairs. Oh well, the main reason we haven't sprung for some seats yet is all our money is on hold to go on vacation in August. I'm soooooo excited to go to N.Y., I'm really excited to be going anywhere.
Last week a nasty stomach flu swept through our family. So bad. I almost had Bryan take me to the hospital, I was so dehydrated.
Aiden graduated kindergarden. We are so proud of all the hard work he put in this year. He has really made a lot of progress. Unfortunatly the switch to summer routine has had a pretty negtive effect on him. We are working through it.
I'm going to be working at our church VBS in a couple weeks as the 6th grade tour guide. It will be fun to hang out with some older kids, and my kids will have a great time in there own groups.
Bryan is going to New York on Sunday. I don't like it when he's gone, but it is a good time for me to watch lots of Masterpiece Theater and do some reading.
Lucy sprouted a tooth a few days ago, I can't believe she is getting so big.
Jack is getting taller and smarter everyday.

There ya have it. Happy Summer!


Michelle said...

So sorry to hear you were sick too! What's with this random June sickness? All of us got it but Megan. I had to take Dave to the ER.

Have fun on your upcoming vacation! Oh, and post some new pics soon!

Jessica said...

ok so when are we going to have our Twilight night

Apryl said...

A twlight night....???? I want to be there :) Anyway, Glad to hear everyone is better. I understand the hating when hubby is gone, I feel so lonely crawling into an empty bed. It sucks! And poor Lucy and her tooth. Christian knows how she feels. He is getting 5 right now all at once. Poor babies! I will be there in 11 days! You, Jess and I should get together while I am there. Miss you! Take care.