Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So here are the latest details:

I am working on a new blog that will be up and running sometime nextweek. I think it's going to be a good outlet/ministery for the season I am in right now. Think: tattoos, Jesus, cooking, music, kids, relationships, and lots more cool stuff. I will basically be doing writing about stuff I find, my perspective on life, and throwing in some really cool stuff from other people. My awsome friend (and my brothers girlfriend), Rhianna, is an amazing artist and is currently working on some original work for my page. I also have a little give-away planned. So, there is lots of exciting stuff in the works.

So here is what I need from my friends and readers:

Do you have a cool tattoo or piercing? does it have a story? Send me pics of your fav tats to

ALSO, if you have an adorable baby, untrasound pic or baby bump you want to share? Please send me your pics to

Different pics will be updated every few weeks, so when you have something to share send it my way! (none of the photos used will be used for any purposes other than my blog and will not be sent to anyone else, all photos recieved will be archived and potentially used at a later time)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My poor little blog, forgotten and neglected for so long. No, not really forgotten, I just couldn't write. I've been quietly contemplating, the last few weeks, how to renew and restart this blog. The change is based on the changes in my life. I am still not sure what I'm going to do. There were times when I wanted to tell all of my friends, or anyone who might still check this blog for signs of life, exactly what has been going on in my life from my perspective.

So, I am going to do a little more planning and have a GRand Re-Openning the beginning of next week.

Until then, if you can please pray for me:

1: I have been dealing with an ulcer for almost a month, and am waiting for our new health insurence to kick in in just a few weeks.

2: My other "health problems" have returned, and I am trying not to be controlled by them.

3: Bryan and I have some big decisions to make. He will be starting classes in the fall, he still isn't sure what the best course of action to take is going to be. He wants to go to bible seminary, but isn't sure the best road to take and where to go. We are trying to take it one day at a time, but it's hard when there are so many needs and we feel called to help in so many areas.

4: I am signing Aiden up for school in the fall, he is ambivilant about returning to public school. I am praying for good placement and success for him this year, and help with early planning to get him in to an excellent charter school next year.

I would love to get some emails or messages from anyone who wants to write me! I can't say that I'm "lonely", but it's nice to hear from friends while making this big adjustment.