Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So here are the latest details:

I am working on a new blog that will be up and running sometime nextweek. I think it's going to be a good outlet/ministery for the season I am in right now. Think: tattoos, Jesus, cooking, music, kids, relationships, and lots more cool stuff. I will basically be doing writing about stuff I find, my perspective on life, and throwing in some really cool stuff from other people. My awsome friend (and my brothers girlfriend), Rhianna, is an amazing artist and is currently working on some original work for my page. I also have a little give-away planned. So, there is lots of exciting stuff in the works.

So here is what I need from my friends and readers:

Do you have a cool tattoo or piercing? does it have a story? Send me pics of your fav tats to

ALSO, if you have an adorable baby, untrasound pic or baby bump you want to share? Please send me your pics to

Different pics will be updated every few weeks, so when you have something to share send it my way! (none of the photos used will be used for any purposes other than my blog and will not be sent to anyone else, all photos recieved will be archived and potentially used at a later time)


Missy said...

I can't wait to see the launch of your new website! I have been changing and updating mine a lot and trying to focus more on what direction I would like to see it go.

I miss you! You know I am only a text or a call away.

praying for you!

Mommy Parr said...

Hey! I am glad to see you back blogging! I guess I need to update mine also. Can't wait to read all your thoughts on the new blog!
