Thursday, May 21, 2009


Every once in a long while I have a "close encounter" with the holy spirit. He's always working and moving in my life in ways seen and unseen, but these experiences are different. I was up early one morning before the kids, washing bottles and drinking coffee. Then it hit me. Clear as day. I want to go to seminary. Immediately I went and told Bryan, who looked at me like I was from mars, and got on the internet to search schools in our area. I found a couple but I still need to visit them. I would love input from anyone who has had experience with any of the local bible seminaries.
So, in the typical fashion of someone who has been called to a purpose beyond my own abilities, the next day I woke up not feeling well. I don't know what is going on with me but I can't shake it off. It's not depression on anything like that, this time it's physical. Extreme fatigue (sometimes I can hardly go upstairs), my legs are swell, and I pretty much gained ten pounds overnight. I'd been trying to keep up my healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise, but nothing is helping. I have a doctor appointment ina few weeks.
So I have been struggling to stay focused, it is hard to imagine going to school and taking care of my home when I feel like this. I am moving forward trusting that if this really is God's plan then everything will work out. So, needless to say I really need prayer.
The question my family asked when I started talking about this idea has been "why bible seminary, what do you plan to do?" The answer is I really want to start by writing. I want to write books and bible studies for women. I also want to teach. I think the two go hand in hand.
This has all been a little scary, but also really exciting. I have the feeling there is something specific that I am to write about, but I won't know what it is until I have taken all the right steps. So you are reading it first here. I am hoping to find a school in the next month or so. I am really wanting to start with most of my classes online and only going to school a couple days or evenings a week. I am still waiting on God's direction about where I can serve and what my ministry should be in the meantime.

On a completely seperate note, we are selling our Suburban, and still trying to sell the piano. Pretty much considering all offers.

"Things are looking up for 'ol Liz Lemon." -Liz Lemon


Jessica said...

Wow! That is big stuff! I really think you will be great whatever you do. Keep on truckin'. I'll be praying for you!

Missy said...

Wow. God has big plans for you. Isn't it amazing how He can change our life around in just a second?

I wish you the best and I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

How cool is this?? I'm so excited for you! God will provide a way. A way out of your physical tiredness, a way to balance your family and school, and most importantly a way to serve Him in all of it!! I'm praying for you!!