Thursday, May 28, 2009

The skinny

So I'm "back on the bandwagon", so to speak. I lost several pounds by staying away from carbs a few months ago. I have been at a stand-still pretty much since we moved into our house. I could give all kinds of reasons/excuses, but the important thing is that I am moving forward now. So far I have lost 7 lbs since Monday. I have really been enjoying it and it has felt pretty easy so far. I'm not exercising other than walking around the neighborhood, because I couldn't hardly stand the cravings I would get after working out.
I don't feel deprived at this point. I have been enjoying big yummy salads, meats from the grill, and plenty of dairy. Also, I don't eat anything after 6pm.
The best part is every morning I get up and get on the scale to see my progress continue; that's what keeps me going.
My goal is to loose 13 more pounds before my trip in August. When I hit my plateau I will start exercising again.
Maybe there will be a bathing suit in my future somewhere.

1 comment:

Samantha Edwards said...

I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you! With three young children and a husband, you still find time to make your health a priority. I am very impressed with your attitude and your determination :)