Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why you won't see me for a while

My computer is broken. We somehow got a terrible virus and decided to scrap it. So if you need to get a hold of my you'll have to call or text.

This situation seems to be a direct answer to prayer. This past week I have been having some health problems involing fatigue and other symptoms. I also found out, finally, that we will be eligable to transfer full benefits from Bryan's GI bill into my name. Which means I have re applied to Pierce and shold be starting school in March. ALSO, after a draining week back to school and all the emotional issues Aiden has been having... we submitted our waiver to homeschool and have taken him out of public school... for now.

During my quiet time the other morning I was begging God to help me refocus so that I could be more productive, start dealing with my health issues, and help Aiden with his needs. Then my computer broke. Message recieved.


Missy said...

Sometimes I think life would be better if my computer was broken once in a while.

Good luck with school! How exciting!

Are you pulling Aiden out now to homeschool?

tscarter7 said...

So homeschool starts now? I'm here for ya!

Janice said...

I miss reading your blogs. But your doing an awesome thing. Take time to just play with the kids too.

Missy said...

Although I understand, I miss your blog posts!