Sunday, January 31, 2010


Being changed hurts.
I am most surely leaving a season in my life behind. With great excitement and fire, and also with much reluctance and questioning. Why is it that all the things God asked me to do 6 months ago, are now the things he is asking me to set aside? That is so frustrating.
But I do fully trust that he has an adventure planned for the next few years of my life, full of joy, heartache, truth, and revelations.

Have you ever been so sure or on fire to do something, but yet felt SO short when it comes to accomplishing any part of the test? I know that in this way we who answer yes are in good company. Moses truly comes to mind when I think of not only being faced with a difficult charge, but also the manner of response. I keep telling God how utterly confused I am about the things He has asked me to do. haha. But alas, El Elyon (wink), certainly in a very royal way just replies "stop wandering and just do this". I feel that the one with certain, complete, and divine right over my future is not someone I can say "no" to.
But as many of you know, my hands are commanded by my head, which is attached to my mouth, and therefore I am the sort of person who is almost incapable of doing without saying. Sometimes complaining, sometimes praising.

"Lord, please bless my friends. Please open doors. Thank you for thinking well enough of me to ask me to do anything that may give you glory, and for continuing to provide the means to go forward. Bless my family, and all the ways each of us is growing and changing. Please continue to bring the needy closer to you. Take pity on those who feel they are running out of hope. Grant me strength and resourcefulness. Amen."

No- I am not back online. You still have to call me the old fashioned way.
yes- homeschooling is going well, I think
yes- i still have a cold which I believe has progressed to "infection"
Miss and love you guys!


Janice said...

I miss reading your blog Mandi.

Missy said...

Mandi, I love how you share and elude to thing. It keeps the "mystery" about you. =)
I miss you!