Saturday, November 7, 2009

Christmas gifty sneak-peak

I decided that this year I'm actually going to try my hand at gift making. Now, we all know that I am not the "craftiest" girl out there. So I tried to find things that would play up my strong suits (ie. no sewing, glass chiseling, etc) The reason I'm so excited about doing all my gift giving this way this year is because a)it's cost effective b)it's earth friendly, but it's also personal (so don't make fun of my creations!)
I wanted to share a list of what I'm planning to make, as well as post pictures of things as they are finished along the way. Today was a list making and planning day. I got myself a binder to keep my plans in, and a tote to put things in to keep the kids away from everything during the day.
Now here's the dilema: if I tell you all the details you may find out about what I'm planning on making you for Christmas. So, enter at your own risk.
None of my crafts were really very creative ideas, but I have come up with ways to incorporate lots of "Mandisms" that should keep it all very interresting.

-Home-made recipe books with pictures and lots of practical information. I don't want to give away too much, but they will be titled "The Fastest Way to Your Man's Heart". So you will get some of my favorite recipes along with plenty of my creative writing. Most of the recipes are my own, and a few are family recipes. This is going to be my main gift to give to family and friends and will probably be the most time consuming, so I'm donna have to get plenty of printer ink ;)

-"I'm Sew Glad We're Friends" gifty-baskets. This is what I'm probably going to be giving to my mops moms and a few others. A few of the things included are: some cute fabric to play with, fun scissors, unique buttons, and lots more (depending what I can get a good deal on) all in some really cute little baskets

(OK, so I have to stop here to mention that all the rest of the things on my list have a secret "theme". It's going to rock your socks, but I can't reveal it yet. So many of these things sound typical right now, but trust me, this is going to be fun)

-Drink Marker Rings (for stemware, and mugs and cups with handles)

-Specialty Ornaments

-Bottle Brush Trees (that you won't want to put away when Christmas is over)

Okay, so aside from all the gifties I am going to do the 'ol candy and cookies gifties too. However, I did find an really cool cookie recipe for "animal pull toy" cookies for kiddies.
Next weekend will be my main shopping weekend for supplies, and after that I will post pictures of some items as they are completed.
6 weeks 6 days until Christmas. Pray for me.


sarah said...

Hey mandi, today and tomorrow you can print off a joanne coupon for 20% off your entire purchase including sale items!!!

tscarter7 said...

I can't wait to see pictures of your creations! :)

Missy said...

I like the cookbook idea. I might have to borrow that idea.

momstheword said...

Hello! I stumbled across your blog while doing a blog search because I was looking to see if they still sell Plush Pippin pies for $1.00, lol! (You must have done a post about it in the past).

Anyway, I didn't want to leave without commenting that I love your gift ideas. They are very creative and I love the recipe book one, it's always great to get tried and true recipes.

I am sure people will love them all! Have a great day.


~ Nan