Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mandi's Flying Circus

I know, you've all had to wait a very long time for this, and here it is. A blog, by me. After months of being on medication to treat my post partum depression I am now well and rejuvinated, and best of all I have me wit back. Look out. So as a special treat, but don't expect this stuff everyday, I am going to share some silly ramblings from my life and my mind. With out further ado...

This is my brother, Wes. Some of you may remember him as a semi normal little boy who enjoyed soccer and power rangers. Now he has this mustache.(oh, and that is his normal girlfriend)

This is a tree that recently ALMOST fell on my parents house.

This year I volunteered to do some work at home to help out Aiden's teacher. What you see in this picture is an example of what she has been sending home to me. HUNDREDS of triangles to cut out. I have decided there are only 3 possible conclusions that can be drawn from this. 1)I am being punished for giving birth to an exrta-terrestrial brain leech 2)This is some kind of test. I'm very concerned about what will happen if I don't make the shapes "exact" as she requested in the intructions she sent home. 3) The third possibility had something to do with laziness, but upon further consideration I have ruled this one out because of the fact that she spends 7 hours a day with first graders.

This is a picture from the openning Sounders game I went to several months ago. I just wanted to post it.

Other than that I really don't have anything to add. I should probably go to bed, I have been suffering from what we have been calling "the illness that shall not be named", and I don't tell people what it is that I probably really do have, because I would no longer be accepted in public settings without having to wear a giant pig patch on the my clothing at all times.

It's good to be back. And I leave you with one more cheery little thing:

1 comment:

Samantha Edwards said...

this just made my day :) im glad you're doing better!