Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why ask why

So here I am on this lovely fall morning, trying to figure out why God allowed both my phone and my coffee maker to go to the grave today. The answer I have come up with has something to do with "thou shalt not be productive", but I don't know if that's a real bible verse or not. So, instead I'm going to go with the better alternative and new agey meaning of "I'm gonna get a blackberry and a new coffee maker today, woo-hoo."
See, God turns our losses into something beautiful. The turn-around isn't usually this fast, but none the less, a brilliant lesson to be had.
Now for something completely different:
Aiden had a major reaction to wheat/glutein yesterday. Benadryl and all. I had suspected he had some kind of intolorence for a while but I've never seen anything so concrete about it. Hives, itching, upset, intesinal issues. Woa. So for real, wheat free here again. The biggest chanllange is going to be getting the DR to write me a note for the school. Forward, ever forward. And he recognized that it was making him sick which is also a good sign that he is going to come out of this fog he's been in for several weeks. Pray for my guy. He's so sweet, bit so young to have to deal with so many health issues and social challanges. He's a trooper.
Ya know what would make me feel better right now...?

Note: the look on Todd Packer's face


Kimberly said...

Enjoy your new blackberry!!!! You totally deserve it and I just LOVE mine!!!!!

tscarter7 said...

Thanks for the Office clip and my laugh for the day! love that show!

Dave Allen said...

Maybe God is telling you to stop spending money on cell phone minutes and mochas. Just a thought ;).