Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Semi-Homade Soups

I am often experimenting with "what I already have on hand" style cooking. It has been really chilly in my house the past several mornings which has started some new experimenting with soups. Sure, I could just buy it ready made in the can, but I want to make things a little hardier and tastier (and use things I usually have around.
So here are the results so far
Yesterday: pea soup
- 1 can peas
- 2tbs butter
- 1 tbs flour mixed with 1/2 cup milk BEFORE added to melted butter and peas
-plenty of black pepper
- a dash of salt

I hope most of this is at least semi self explanitory. I do mash to peas a little with the back of a spoon, but that's because I like it mushy.

Today: Heart creamy tomato
-1can diced tomatoes
-1/2 a can tomato paste
-1 can cream celery soup
-1/4 cup milk
-pepper, onion power, beef bouillon to taste

Simmer LOW for as long as you can with out over cooking, this could probaby go in a crock pot with some other veggies added to make a veggie soup.

Tomorrow I'm planning on something potato :)


Missy said...

I love pea soup. I'll have to try that one after I go to the store and get milk.

Jen said...

Wow, I could actually make these - these sound pretty easy! Can't wait to hear your potato soup one!

Unknown said...

These sound simple and excellent! I'll be trying both myself.