Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Perfect Faithfulness

I am writing to you, my friends, as this story is unfolding. This is really amazing and I want to share what God is doing in the past 48 hours in my life.

You all know how badly I have been wanting to return to school so that I can attend bible seminary and learn to serve the Lord on a new level. This idea has been burning in my heart for months. By the time summer was in full swing and colleges were putting out their fall enrollment schedules it was clear that there was no way we were going to be able to afford for me to return to school. As a matter of fact we have often wondered how we are going to stay afloat financially much longer! It has been starting to get a little scary. At the same time I have felt a strong feeling from the Holy Spirit urging me to stay calm and wait because something is "about to happen". I constantly had this feeling like: "any minute... here it comes... any minute." But what could that solution be? There was NOTHING in my mind that could prove to change our situation anytime soon. Everything is LEAN.

Then things started to happen. I'm not going to talk about all of them, because that would just be boring for you. God started to present us with all these blessings. If you know me at all I have been walking through the valley with my Shepherd for soooo long that I get a little nervous when certain types of blessing present themselves. So things that would seem really small to someone else are HUGE to me. Here is just one example: I had the privilege of receiving a BEAUTIFUL dish set that has been in my family for eons. It meant so much to me to bring this dish set in my home yesterday. I suddenly felt like I had acquired an enormous wealth.

So, anyway, these types of blessings were "falling out of the sky" all day yesterday. I was giddy. Then, here's the kicker. When Bryan was at work someone informed him that the G.I. bill has been changed so that it is now transferable to spouses!! What?!!! And you think that's crazy, apparently all the benefits of the G.I bill are transferable from someone who is no longer active duty including HOUSING ALLOWANCE while the person is attending school full time. If anyone knows about any of this and can inform me whether I am correct with this information or not please let me know.
So, I'm going to go back to my room and lay on my face a little longer because I just can't take it. God is too good for me. I'm waiting to know if this is going to be real.

"Oh Lord, Thou are my God: I will exalt thee, I will give thanks to thy name; For thou hast worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness." Isaiah 25:1


Missy said...

Oh Mandi! That is awesome news. I will be praying for you.

God Made Playdough said...

Yay!!! He always finds a way to provide, even if it's just in little ways, and hopefully big ways! Let us know what happens!

sarah said...

Wow! I am in tears!!! God is so fun of beautiful surprises!!

tscarter7 said...

I am so happy for you Mandi!

Jessica said...

I know isn't it awesome. I am going to use mine.

Jen said...

That is amazing - I didn't know the GI Bill had changed! Awesome how God provides in the big and small ways!