Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Warning: Big Sarcasm

I keep waiting for muffin-tops and white cankles to be trendy, but I don't think it's going to happen. I am really concerned, however, that God can't use me right now, because I am over my ideal BMI. The burden of 20 extra pounds has really been strengthening me as a person.
Any girl would rather be pretty than creative, wise, intellegent, motivated, or happy.

"Here's to well rounded, balanced living, and being happy how you are at this very minute."

What kind of pretty are you?


Janice said...

Not any kind of pretty today. Extremely tired and cranky. Check back with me tomorrow.

Missy said...

I don't think I can find pretty. I'd have to break through the layers of spitup, stress, peanut butter, autism, stress and temper tantrums to find even a remote possibility of pretty.