Friday, February 5, 2010


I should have stopped to do a "Thursday Thanks" blog yesterday, I was just really busy and lost in all the projects I'm working on. SO I'm going to do thanks today instead. So here's my list and a little prayer for the weekend:

1. I am soooo-uh-oh grateful to my parents for my new computer. I have to add here that it was partly in support of my return to school coming up, but also an early birthday gift celebrating Nolan's 5th birthday-anniversary. More on that another time.

2. I am grateful for taxes. I can't say that every year, but I'll just leave it at that.

3. I'm grateful for my home. I have really enjoyed practicing a new "home-centered" way of living. That includes home school life.

4. I'm thankful for motivation and energy. Sometimes I don't have any, right now I have enough to spare. And I have been productive too!

5. Change. Not everyone enjoys change, but I know I do. Not without some difficulty, of course. Life should be treated like an adventure, a great commission. I don't know what God has planned for me next, but I know whatever it is I can glorify Him through it. Therefore no experience, good or bad, ever has to be a waste.

"Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me this week about the temporary existence we have here in this realm. Thank you for the energy and good health you have given me so that I may seize each opportunity to do something of value. This week was really planned out by you, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to trust you. Amen."

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