Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I have been opening up blogger and trying to put something into this space for a week. I just can't! My mind is blank. Nothing. I'm pretty sure it is some kind of coping mechanism. For the first time in years my life is not in an upheaval. Everything is fairly peaceful and quiet (not literally, I mean things are going well). So instead of getting really depressive, trapped in my own thoughts, or crazy and rebellious, I just can't get in touch with the feelings department.
It really stinks, because that sad and mournful side of me is also passionate, motivated, and creative. This used to be the best time of year (around Nolan's birthday) to get things done. Now... nothing. I suppose it's healthy to be in a nice "normal" place, but I don't like it. I miss the way I used to see things, and how everything around me changes.
The weather has been nice, and that makes me cheerful ("blech!"), and we keep taking all these lovely family getaways. I feel just peachy, darnit.
So, my writing has stalled, I can't get into a book, I can't seem to loose the winter weight, and I'm just blah! Blah blah blah!

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