I'm getting worse and worse at keeping up here. There has been a lot of "life" going on around here. If it isn't one thing it's another. I tried my best to read up on everyone else's posts this morning.
Today is Mr Aiden's 6th birthday. I can barely remember my birth experience with him because it was so long and difficult. I do remember holding him and being in shock that he was really mine to keep. He had tons of hair (just like his brothers and sister) and little kissy lips.
The big talk around here is all about moving. Once we get the key on Friday then all the work will begin, we get to make our house a home. Needless to say my mind is full of dining room tables, kids toys, and trying to remember what exactly we have in storage. There are all kinds of other little dilemmas going on around me but I am ignoring them, because I don't want anything to take away from the joy of our new home!
I am still looking for a decent washer and dryer if anyone knows of a set that is for grabs, although it's really easy to find them on Cragslist. We now have a fridge, kids beds, and several other things I've come across along the way. I've been trying no to stress, but to sit back and let God put things together at the right times. It's hard to relinquish control!
So that's about it. I added some new pics of Lucy that my mom took yesterday. She is wearing the same outfit she wore in the hospital pics I took of her, with her Jamie Ray headband (which Bryan hates).
Let me know if you need help painting or anything like that. While my doesn't show it (since its like a jumbo storage space for ALL my stuff), I love decorating and organizing!
while my room doesn't show it***
I don't like the big flower headbands but I like the ones with little flowers
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