Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh my gosh I'm moving tomorrow!!!

I think I have mentioned the stress issues before, but I'm just gonna mention that for a minute. My life has been possibly beyond the normal amount of crazy /scary/stressful for the past, oh... 4 1/2 years. The point is, now it's not. It's scary good. It's like when it's so quiet in the house it makes you nervous. Because I was so used to high stress levels (the stress didn't have me "stressed out") I am going through some kind of let down. I'm working really hard to tell my weird little brain to just go with the flow.
Praise the Lord we have a house, Praise the Lord we're gonna live in it, Praise the Lord we have everything we NEED.
Anyway, so another aspect to this is this is the "Season of Nolan" for me. It always starts with Aiden's birthday and doesn't end until Nolan's birthday March 21. I just get a little funky, but I enjoy it. It gives me a valid reason for my eccentric behavior. Grief is an uninvited house guest, it shows up at very inopportune times through your whole life.
So, yes, I have lost 6 lbs as of last Friday, and I'm hanging out there for a few days. I haven't botched as far as the things I eat being "bad", but there has been some rice in there and some really tasty pasta salad that I only ate a tiny bit of. The tough thing about the low card dieting it that all it takes is one serving of no-no food and you aren't gonna loose any that day. So after Valentines Day I decided it will be easier to eat what I should when I'm not staying at my mom's house with all of her yummy cooking. Haven't gained any... just haven't lost any more. Holding.
I'm guessing I won't post for several days, but my next post should include some good house pics.

"Thank you Lord for seeing us through. On my own I knew I wouldn't get here. There have been lots of boo-boos and oops along the way, but they were all for Your glory. I am ever changing and you are always the same. Please bless our new home with your presence and go before us in this change. Amen."

Aiden quotes to share:

"Daddy, call that mean guy one of those bad words! Do it! Just call him what uncle Bobby calls his cat!"

"I don't need help putting on my pajamas, I'm a proud man."

"Mom, can I have some Keeley-strawberry juice?"

"I would really like a Hannah Montana lunch box, that could be for a boy or for a girl."

"Mom, you need to take care of your child!" (as lucy is crying in the backseat of the car)

"My favorite guy on Star Wars was that Jed-guy."


tscarter7 said...

mandi, I am praying for you during the "Nolan" season. remembering him with you. love, susan

Jessica said...

Oooh!! I was so hoping that you would post about your house on your blog so I could leave a comment!! I am soooo excited for you!! If you need any help, or just some company this weekend as you move let me know! And if you need a very sarcastic smartass to parlay with during your Nolan Season you know my number!! Oh! And I just LOVE Aiden! He is simply too funny (not to mention smart) for his own good!!

Samantha Edwards said...

Okay so - the "proud man" thing is something my grown husband would say! Let's hope they never hangout! I'm laughing so hard right now about the "take care of your child" remark too :). I love children! Their sensors are non-existent!

:) And I always look forward to your comments on my blog!! Can't wait to have our playdate!