Wednesday, February 11, 2009

on my melon today

I weighed in AFTER breakfast and my coffee... down 1.5 lbs from yesterday. No joke. Yes I have been eating, quite a lot actually because I made brownies last night for Brandy's Lia Sophia party, and I had to eat my weight in pesto cheese torte to stave off the cravings.
I had an omlet and coffee for breakfast.
I made a bet with Bryan, he already won. I bet that if I didn't loose any weight by Friday I would get to eat a whole tray of brownies just for trying. He bet I wouldn't get to eat those brownies.
So, I'm just posting because I know there are several of you out there who weren't believers in cutting carbs, and I'm just say'n...
So my new short term goal is to loose 3 more pounds before Bry comes home on Saturday. And I must emphasize WHAT I'M DOING IS COMPLETELY HEALTHY. I am getting plenty of calories and nutrients, I'm still breastfeeding for cry'n out loud.

On a different subject, I am still trying to figure out what to get Bryan for Valentine's Day. We are moving next weekend, so I'm tempted to hold of the celebration until then? WWYD? I thought about going to Victoria's Secret, but they are so expensive unless they are having a sale. Are they having a sale? So other than that I'm thinking a card, some candles for our new room, and maybe some of his favorite foods?

Does anyone else have spring fever? I'm totally itching for some warm sunshine (not to be confused with cold sunshine)and a nice jog outside with out worrying about black ice. I wanna clean, decorate, and organize. Where is spring?

1 comment:

Samantha Edwards said...

Well....I've never had a Valentines day with mine...but don't go all out for VS. They're overpriced (although very pretty), and you KNOW the items won't stay on long enough to be worth it! I'd suggest finding a babysitter and having a very nice romantic evening. Movies, candles, etc. Save the $50+ you'd use at VS to make the night super special and romantic :)