Friday, August 14, 2009

Anecdotes to lighten the Friday afternoon load.

Lucy Sprouts Tooth

At seven months old, little Lucy Clover is growing what appear to be some form of gopher teeth from her upper gum. Her mother didn't know that Lucy was hiding the teeth until she heard a noise that sounded like grinding coming from the child's mouth. Details and photos to come as the situation develops.

Old Dog, New Tricks

Twenty-six year old house keeper, Mandi Lou, was recently reported to have "mopped the kitchen floor". Many thought it would never be done, but Miss Lou is not one to stand in the way of progress. When questioned Miss Lou replied, "It really wasn't dirty, it was just sticky from all this darn humidity".
Well, we don't care what was causing it Miss Lou, we're just glad that the situation has been rectified. More next week on the breakfast cereal removed from under the couch that strongly resembled rodent feces.

Fall Fashion Trends

Looking to spruce up your fall wardrobe this month? Here are the latest fashion reports from the Martin Household, the height of fashion this year.
First we have Aiden, an alternative designer who is mixing comfort and creative. His latest design for the fall consists of high water jammy bottoms and a traditional t-shirt with a trendy pair of "toes hang over the edge"-style sandals.
Next up we have the lovely Mandi whose new logo for fall is "dress three sizes to big"! She prefers jeans with holes ALL over them that are so big on her she doesn't have to unzip them to use the restroom and show her old lady underwear every time she sits down. Paired with a perhaps too youthful looking t-shirt. Anyone familiar with Mandi's fashion design knows that everything goes with flip-flops!
Last but certainly not least we have Bryanwear. When going for this look never wear pants that don't have holes and grease all over them. The knew look this fall is also letting your toddler color all over your pants with marker and still wearing them out of the house. To complete this look top it off one of your 200 t-shirts you've had since 1995.
Enjoy your fall and back to school shopping, and don't forget... you are what you wear!


Missy said...

Your wardrobe sounds very similar to our households! Except mine would include maternity clothes that make you look like you are still pregnant because you can't fit into anything else clothes.

Oh and flip flops don't go with everything?!?

tscarter7 said...

Mandi you are hilarious!:) xoxosusan

Jessica said...

Nice. I am settling into the "pants are so tight you can't breath because you refuse to wear materinty jeans and are too cheap to but new ones" trend