Monday, August 3, 2009

It's still summer

It's happened... every summer there comes a day when I walk outside and the air is different. I can feel it. There are six weeks left until fall. It doesn't matter that it is still roasting outside, I can tell things are changing.
So now, for no reason I feel all googly and romantic. I stood there, smelling the Macintosh Yankee candles for a good five minutes while at Ben Franklins. I love fall. It really brings out the best in me. So, even though I think we still have some summer left in the year, I know that it's coming. So for all you fall fans mark it on your calendar. I've been right to the week for several years in a row. Six weeks from now the leaves will be falling and there will be no doubt that the summer is leaving.
So, as a tribute to my favorite time of year I am making a list of my top 10 favorite fall things:

10) It's the Great Pumpkin! Halloween, I love to see how much fun my kids have. They are so cute all dressed up.

9) Fresh, hot, apple cider. Especially when sharing some with friends. Either inside by the fire, or outside on a hayride.

8) The colors. In Buffalo the falls were especially beautiful, but there is no shortage of beauty here in the Cascades either! When the leaves turn and fall it gives me this peaceful feeling, and reminds me of our mortality. How short our time is, how beautiful.

7) The smells. Pies. Apples. The crisp air. Breath it in, aahhhh.

6)"Back to school, back to school, to show my dad I'm not fool." Aiden needs more social interaction than I am able to give him. He thrives on being in a stimulating environment. I try to give him that at home, but really we're pretty boring. Not to mention I don't mind a little extra peace and quiet.

5)Thanksgiving. God made us for HIS glory, it's so nice to celebrate everything He has given us. especially when it involves good food.

4)Jackets and scarves. I'm not much for warm weather. I prefer drizzle and chill any day. I like my sweaters, hoodies, and jackets.

3) Pies. I mentioned the way they smell, but how about the way they taste, and most of all the wonderful feeling you get from making them. There are pies in the summer, particularly the berry variety. But I'm talking about PUMPKIN and APPLE! When I am baking mode I think my family loves me a little more than usual.

2)Going to the pumpkin patch! We love Spooner farms. This year I hope to do more than last year, as I was pregnant and not in the mood for tractor rides or haunted corn mazes. I love pushing the wheel barrow around, my kids trying to pick up pumpkins that are bigger than they are, and the feeling of family it all gives me. Those memories are lasting.

1) It's the beginning of the holiday season! It all starts with the pumpkin spice latte and before ya know it it's time for a good 'ol peppermint mocha! I don't know how else to explain this, unless you LOVE Christmas like I do. It is the festivities that preclude the most "magical" time of year. It's a feeling that keeps me young.

There, have I romanticized it enough for you?


God Made Playdough said...

Loved this list!!! I think the pumpkin patch is my number 1 though. Fall is definetly my favorite time of year also. I just bought some Halloween and Thanksgiving placemats for the girls! :)

Jessica said...

You forgot playing in a pile of freshly raked leaves!!

Amanda Hug'n Kiss said...

Yeah, I don't jump in the leaves. In Texas I learned that those piles of leaves usually have bullsnakes and really big spiders in them and I never got over the fear.