Monday, August 24, 2009

Just call me "Ricki Lake"

Just so you know from the beginning, this blog is basically a rant/vent. That means it is going to be full of whining and complaining about something NOT LIFE THREATENING, and I realize that.
So, after about a week of not watching what I ate, at least not really, and eating way too late EVERY night; I have gained 9 lbs. That's right, 9. Granted, it's the end of the day, not the best time to weigh in. But two weeks ago at this time of night I would have weighed 9 pounds less!!!!! I am so angry. I am so mad at myself. I noticed I wasn't looking quite as trim around the middle, but whoa. All the hard work... now I have to re-loose those 9 pounds.
So, as of tonight, my goal for this week is to try to get a little closer to where I was. Logic tells me that it's not all fat... yet, because it hasn't been there long enough. (and I ate at least a pound of spinach dip just today) So just maybe most of it can go away before Bry comes home.
Step 1) Loose the blubber I gained back
Step 2) Maybe scrape off 5 more beyond that.
Goodbye tasty food... (tear)
The perils of being a woman.

UPDATE: I ate a whole bunch of peanutbutter cup cookies today.


Missy said...

Been there.
I just can't seem to stop eating. Why does food have to taste so good????

Samantha Edwards said...

I can't help but laugh at the peanut butter cups :) If it helps, I ate half of a cheesecake! I miss you!!