Monday, August 10, 2009

the word on the street

Less than a month until school starts!! So today I am going to give a little list of family updates.

1. Bryan and I were SUPPOSED to leave yesterday for our vacation in new York. However, due mostly to issues and schedules at work we have to cancel our trip. Instead we are planning on going to California for a few days in the first weekend of October. I must admit, I would rather go to California than New York. It's going to be more relaxing, and probably more romantic.

2. Aiden has finally learned to ride his bike with out training wheels. That's actually very big new. With all his motor skill issues we really didn't expect him to be able to do this yet. He worked so hard at it. Now he's very proud of himself, and we are too.

3. My mom and dad have moved. They are still staying at there Lake Tapps house during the week until it sells, but they have bought a place on Whidby Island. I am trying to adjust to not seeing them as often. The first time it really hit me was Sunday. Bryan had to work, and normally I would call my parents and they could meet me at church to help me get the kids to class. Now I'm on my own! So I do miss them.

4. My brother is going to be moving over to Central Washington University in just a few weeks. That is going to be another big adjustment for my family on top of my parents moving. I'm so excited for him though!

5. I reached the 30 lb mark. That's right, I have lost 30 lbs. I have a few more pounds to go before my end goal (based on my BMI). But here is a word of truth for everyone out there... it hasn't changed anything. I feel the same. I don't even view myself differently. If anything, I miss brownies more than I enjoy being a size 6. So for anyone out there who looks in the mirror and thinks "...if only I were twenty pounds smaller...", just know that it won't make you feel better. You truly do have to choose to be happy with yourself in any state and not make it contingent upon physical appearance or any one aspect of yourself.



tscarter7 said...

Whidbey Island????? I knew they were moving but had no idea it was so far! Hope they love their new place. I'm sure you will figure out ways to get together often!
Way to go Aiden!!!!!!!!

Missy said...

Whidbey Island is a beautiful place to live. I'm sure they will love it there.
Go Aiden!!! My son doesn't even ride a bike with training wheels yet. It's not his "thang."

Congrats on the 30lb mark!! What a great accomplishment. I too think that, if I were to lose the weight and be where I wanted to be, I would feel the same. It's not about the weight. It's about self-esteem and how we feel about ourselves. I struggle with that daily.

Samantha Edwards said...

where in cali? come visit us!