Friday, October 10, 2008

I got tagged

I got tagged by Jessica and Keren to give a list of my darling hubby's top 10 favorite things. Seriously, this is kinda tough (Bryan is easily impressed). I'll tag a few people at the end to give it a try. I like to read these, it's cute.

10. Doritos and Mountain Dew

9. Football (not to be confused with a game they play with a brown pig skin ball)

8. Motorcycles

7. Guns

6. Backpacking/hiking/camping

5. Video Games

4. his tattoos

3. his job

2. his kids

1. me :)

Tag: Jen (you're married now.. you can do this!), Amanda, Amy E., Amy W., Amy C. (ha, that made it easy!), and Candy (you know you want to!)

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