Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My confession

After many days and many delays Bryan finally made it home yesterday afternoon. (he was supposed to be home on Saturday) I am soooo happy to have him back. As they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder."

So here is my confession of the week:

I have really been enjoying the bible study I have been involved in at BBC. Embarrassingly, I had to show up to study this morning with my last weeks homework unfinished. The reason... a book called "Twilight". Yes, I replaced bible study with vampires. I really didn't mean too. I have so little time to sit and read with out the kids interrupting me.

I found the book on the bedside table when I stayed the night at my mom's house Friday night. I put it in my bag and brought it home thinking I would just try it (I have so many friends who liked it) and I got SUCKED IN.

Anyway, so it shouldn't have replaced bible study time. I am going to buy the next book in the series under the condition that I do my bible study FIRST, and limit the vampires to my free time at night.

So having that said, have any of you read this book (no it isn't exactly a Christian book)? Probably the most romantic thing I have read all year. And those who know me know that I am not into that mushy love stuff. It also takes place in Forks, WA. I am now trying to convince Bryan to take me there for our anniversary ;)


Samantha Edwards said...

We can't do outside because it's going to be in December (brrrrrrr!). What was the name of the church in Sumner that you did it at? We'll do it at the new church if the merger goes through, BUT if it doesn't, we'd like a backup!

:) Thanks

Keren said...

you and about a million other people!! I have a few friends who have the ticker on their myspace when the movie comes out...lol I must get me hands on one of these books...I've heard nothing but amazing reviews on them!

God Made Playdough said...

I haven't read them, but Jenaya loves them! There's a blog I read occasionaly and the woman went to a special festival they had in Forks when the last book came out! :) I've heard they are addictive!