Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Babies

Congratulations to Jen and Keith, baby Dayton was born yesterday evening and I'm so ready to see him.
Good luck to Michelle and Dave, they are hoping Megan is going to make an appearance today.

So who does that leave? ME!!!! Come one Lucy. I feel like I'm going to explode. I only have a few days before Finley leaves on his ski trip, and Christmas is just around the corner.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

... and we're still rolling....

Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. We headed to see the doc in the morning. Everyone was so excited, although Bryan and I kept emphasizing that there was a good chance we were just going to get sent home.
This little girl is so ornery. She was, yet again, transverse (sideways), but this time in the opposite direction. Even Finley found it amusing that she was able to move that much.
He pushed her a little with two fingers and "oh look, she's head down now."
Bryan laughed.
So obviously she won't stay that way. Weird. Although she was pretty low when I went to bed. Finley said that if I go into labor she will most likely turn the right way.
So that was that. No need to go to the hospital to do a version on a baby that is just going to keep spinning.
He also moved my cut off (induction) to December 29. Yes, that's the day BETWEEN Jack's and my birthdays.
I told Finley how miserable I am, and about the contractions and show. He smiled. "The only way to feel better is to go into labor."
Yes, thank you. I know.
Anyway, so he didn't check me. He is leaving on Saturday for a week long skiing trip with his family. I don't go back again until Monday the 29th... the cut off day.
In my opinion Lucy should come out this week while her the dr is still around and be home in time for Christmas. It may be selfish but I'm going to be praying for that. It would give me all of Christmas break to recover. During that time my mother in law and Aiden will be on vacation. Everyone will already be "around", like Bryan and my dad won't be traveling.

Did I mention that my mom and brother came back very late last night from Indiana and brought my grandma with them! I am really hoping to see her today, and glad she can be here for both the holidays and Lucy's birth.

"Lord, thank you again for this time of year. Thank you for the safe travels of my family over the past few weeks. Thank you also for my doctor. I really love him and his kind nature, I know it comes from you. I pray that you will help my to relax, because I know that you already know when Lucy's first and last days will be.Also give Jen courage and peace today as she goes through labor to meet her new little son, Dayton. I know she waited a long time for him. Amen."

Monday, December 15, 2008

The name of the week

I have an iVillage pregnancy calender that gives me little trivia and facts each day. It also includes a "name of the week". I opened it up this morning and you'll never guess what the name of the week is... LUCY! It's currently number 221 on the popularity list, I want everyone to know that now in case it turns out the way Aiden and Jack did. I thought I was being so original with both of them, and about a year after each were born their names were in the top 5. I'm big on originality so I was a little ticked.
(Warning: TMI ahead)
I am going to see Finley this morning. Somewhere between on again off again contractions, diarrhea, and spotting yesterday (which generally stopped while I was sleeping) I have no idea how today is going to go. I have somewhat high hopes, but I shouldn't because I have learned that lesson in the past. We are really ready, and I think Bryan is also hoping something good is going to happen. He is going with me, and actually has the whole day off just in case she isn't head down, or if we have to head to the hospital.
Fortunately I have some things to look forward to this week if I don't get my first choice. Tomorrow I have a Christmas tea with all the ladies from my bible study group. There are a couple ladies you are seasoned knitters and I am going to see if I get find out how to make some little flowers for some of the boho hats I have been making. Also Bryan's company Christmas party is on Saturday, it was really fun last year.

"Thank you Lord for the holiday season and all the joy of being with family and friends. Please help us to remember why we celebrate. Please give my family peace and patience today. Help us to continue to be excited and happy even if we don't get what we are hoping for. Amen."

Sunday, December 14, 2008

For Fun

You're It::
Here's how it works: Bold all the things that you have done in your life.

1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31. Hit a home run 32. Been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David 41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing- 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie- 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone 78. Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury 91. Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee

Have you done most of these? Anything that shocks you?

Grumble Free

I'm still pregnant. I am really looking forward to my appointment tomorrow morning. Bryan is going with me, normally he doesn't get too. But there is a chance some decisions will be made tomorrow. Otherwise I am hoping she is really head down this time, and that maybe some of these contractions are paying off.
Bryan came home on Friday, he got home at 11 in the morning so the kids went with me to the airport. We usually just pick him up in the arrivals drive up, but we actually parked and went in. Kinda exciting.
Yesterday we went to the Motorcycle show at Quest. Jack went with us, but Aiden stayed home. We really struggled with that decision because we knew Aiden would love to see Valantino Rossi's motorcycle, but there was WAY too much stimulation there for him. It was $13 per adult, so we really didn't want to pay that much if we weren't going to be able to stay and enjoy ourselves.
In other news I started the ol "please Lord let the labor start soon" herbal regimen. Evening Primrose, Blue and Black Cohosh, and Raspberry leaf tea. Plus we went out for Mexican Friday, and yesterday I ate half a pineapple. I refuse to use caster oil. I tried it with the other kids and it is possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. I can't get it to go down (or stay down).
So if anyone has any other suggestions please pass them along. I would rather use natural remedies and have her soon than get induced next week.
It occurred to me yesterday that there are several other things to look forward to this month. I am trying to decide what to get Jack for his birthday. I am pretty settled on art supplies and some toddler begging (although he isn't graduating to his big boy bed yet). And for myself I will probably have a day to pamper myself once the holidays are over. I decided what I am doing for Nolan's b-day this year (in March) but I am tempted to do it sooner. I found out I was pregnant right after his birthday last year and didn't get the chance to do what I planned. I'll blog about that a little closer to when it happens, I don't want to remind anyone how strange I am right now.

"Thank you Lord, this has been a really nice weekend. Thank you for bringing Bryan home safely. Please keep my family safe while they travel this weekend. Help me to be patient. Amen."

Friday, December 12, 2008

The boys

I am so happy Bryan is finally coming home today. I really do okay when he's gone. The first couple days are usually rough, but he used to be in the Coast Guard...
He has a direct flight from Newark, and because of the time difference he is scheduled to get in at 10:57, how awesome is that? I don't even have to wait all day or pick him up at night. We're going to the grocery and Super Supplements this morning and then it will be time to pick him up, all before lunch.

Moving on. So Aiden finally had a good day yesterday. It was the first day since Thanksgiving that I didn't hear from the Principal or bus driver about some difficult behavior. I was SO happy for him. He got a fresh pack of bubble gum and is going to get to pick out some juice at the grocery today (it's the little things in life). I really can't blame him for being so off lately. I have too (not in an autism way of course) but Christmas is only a couple weeks away, he's getting a new baby sister any day, and daddy has been gone. Also our slightly traumatic start to the week was a little much for him. He didn't want to get in the truck for several days for fear that the rock is still really in the tire.
He apparently has a new girlfriend. Last week he announced that he is "finished" with Alyssa (the girl who was trying to kiss him all the time). Now everything is about Evie, I guess she rides hi bus but is in a different class ??? It's going to be really interesting to see what his relationships are like when he gets older, he's emotionally so complicated (even more than your average dude) and has killer pretty boy looks.

I do realize I don't talk about Jack enough. It's not that he doesn't get enough attention, that is so far from the truth. He has become very entertaining. His new thing is, "its scawey". (scary) He does a really cute little scared face with big blue eyes. He has been talking in lots of 3-4 word sentences and loves to play "whats dat?" He has really been blossoming since Aiden has been in school. Before he pretty much wasn't getting a word in edgewise. It's also interesting to see him develop in ways that took Aiden much longer. Jumping and hopping, galloping, running on his feet instead of always tippy-toes, somersaults, hand-eye coordination. It's just different. It's nice.

So, on to the weekend. What time does WalMart open? I've been awake since 4:30 (not because of my kids this time) so I'm ready to get going.

"Lord, please protect Bryan as he travels home. Amen."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not such a bad week after all

I did so much complaining this past week, now I have to turn around and give some praise. God has answered my prayers and met all of my needs this week. Sometimes things don't work that way, and there is more waiting involved, but not this time.
I have a new phone.
I have NEW TIRES on my truck (an early Christmas gift from mom and dad)
Lucy is head down, stuck and making me very uncomfortable (in a good way)
Bryan is coming home tomorrow morning...
and a bonus I received a Babies R Us Gift card from a friend at church so I can go do something fun today. I think Jamba Juice will also be involved.

I was also lucky enough to hang out with Jessica and Keeley yesterday. Now I really need my baby. She reminded me of what I'm waiting for. During the last weeks of pregnancy it's easy for the focus to become about "labor" and "me". It's hormones I'm sure.

Is it snowing right now? I haven't even looked outside. I have been trying to ignore the weather reports. I lived in Buffalo for 4 years, I could do with out snow. Really. But in my history of child baring I think there was only one baby who wasn't born with snow on the ground, so...

Yes, my contractions are getting worse. I am really hoping Finley is going to strip the membranes at my appointment on Monday, given that she is actually head down for once, and theses contractions are getting a little obnoxious. I had them ALL day yesterday. They either stop when I'm sleeping or they aren't enough to wake me. I double checked to make sure I have everything ready for the hospital. I am pretty experienced in packing a hospital bag. I haven't packed Bry's yet though. I will tomorrow. I always put in snacks and comfy clothes for him too (and usually a surprise or two)

"Lord thank you for helping me to recognize all the ways I am blessed. Life is full of bad days and unexpected problems. I will always try to focus on you and how you have already saved me. There are probably many things you have spared me from that I never even knew. Thank you for helping my to see what I have and not what I don't. Amen."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ask and you shall recieve...

when what you want is God's will.
So I told you yesterday that I am going to tell you something about my bible study group at Bethany today. It's kind of a secret, they already know part of it, but I'm going to tell the rest because it's pretty cool.
I also want to mention that I woke up this morning and Lucy is heads down toward the exit sign. So let's pray she stays that way. (thank you all those who were praying for me last night)

So as you may know I was REALLY sick over the summer. By the time August rolled around I couldn't wait for bible study, MOPS and all the other school year activities to begin. I was desperate.
At our bible study we have small discussion groups we keep for the whole year. We don't choose them, we are assigned to a group with the exception of one buddy (I chose my mom). So I began praying for my future bible study group through the end of the summer. While I was doing this God placed on my heart to pray for 4 specific people. All 4 were either acquaintances or people I knew of but had not really met before. I'm going to tell you about each one and what I prayed for them"

Brook P.: Brook was a mentor mom at MOPS the past two years in a row. I knew that for a time she went to Valley Bible Church (my home church in Sumner I grew up in) and that her son was the youth leader at Bethany for a while when my brother first started going there. Brook is hilarious. I also had a hunch that she is a very Godly lady and has a lot of wisdom to share. I was sad when I knew she was no longer going to be a mentor mom, because I had been kinda hoping she might end up my mentor mom. I didn't know her at all, but you can always tell when she's in the room. So I switched to praying that she would be attending bible study and that maybe she would end up in my group.

Sarah G.: Last year in MOPS leadership we played secret sister for the whole year, Sarah was my secret sister and I spent the whole year trying to figure out what little gifts to leave her and trying not to make eye contact (I was sure she was going to know it was me) Before the secret sister game started I didn't know who Sarah was. So I really spent the whole MOPS year praying for someone I didn't really know anything about. So when the MOPS year ended and I wasn't trying to be sneaky anymore I realized I still didn't' know anything about her because I spent the whole year hiding, sure that she had some kind of telepathy or x-ray vision. So over the summer I started praying that during the upcoming year she would end up somehow in my social circle so that I could find our more about the person who I had been praying for.

Erin B.: Last year when I was a table leader in MOPS I prayed for all the girls at my table. They were all special and lovely. However the only person God was really pressing on me to pray for during the summer after MOPS was over was over was Erin. I didn't include her whole name, and I think most of the story is common knowledge, so I will share some details of what I had been praying for. Erin and her husband have an adorable little boy. They were hoping to have another baby, but were not able to get pregnant. I remember when she mentioned they weren't going to try anymore and I went home and cried because on some level I knew what empty arms feel like. So I only prayed harder. When MOPS was over I prayed also that God would somehow keep her in my social circle so that I could be there when my prayers were answered (haha).

Christy: I saw Christy when I visited a Sunday School class over the summer.I can't tell you why I prayed for her. I guess God just kept whispering her name in my ear ???

So, the point of this is, all these ladies "randomly" ended up in my small group. Brook also brought her daughter in law Racheal along, so I was doubly blessed with having Brook and a new friend to keep for myself.
Sarah also now my MOPS table leader, she couldn't get away from my if she wanted to. I like everything about her, her hair, her voice, and she may be THE craftiest lady I've ever met.
God blessed me so deeply with my diligence in praying for Erin. I had the privilege of being at the table the day she announced that she is expecting. No one, not even Erin, knew I had been praying for the baby God was going to give her. So I'm sure my emotional response was surprising to everyone, but I was speechless and SO elated. And Christy is still a mystery. I still don't know her. I know that she is quiet, and seems like a really tired mommy. She is often not there. So I'll just keep praying and waiting on that one :)

So always ask.

"Thank you, Lord, for my bible study group. Thank you for the blessing and joy you have provided me through them. Please bless them in return. Amen."

Monday, December 8, 2008

T.G.I... Monday? **PLUS UPDATE (NEW)

My hunch was right. (Dr)Finley used the ultrasound to discover... she's TRANSVERSE. And most of you probably know you CAN NOT deliver a transverse baby vaginally. I go back first thing next Monday to see if she is still in this position. If so Finley is going to try to turn her manually. If that doesn't work it's a C for me, asap. Lovely.
Then I went to get a patch on my tire... yeah that didn't go so well either. Tire was not replaceable. They put on my spare (which happens to be a full size tire) but when Bryan gets home we're going to have to fork out the money for all new tires. (please see the post where I vented about money, etc. last month)

Wow... what a weekend.
First my phone broke.
Then I got a flat tire (but made it home safely)
Then I spent some time really angry at a certain lazy member of my family that needed to make a phone call for me to get a new phone... and just couldn't seem to do it or answer when I call (but answers when Bryan calls). So still NO PHONE.
Then I woke up from a much needed nap to find Lucy lying transverse. She has since moved but I'm not sure if she's heads or tails.
On top of my stress Aiden was really nuts, and I can usually coach him to make good decisions and stay on track, but I just couldn't. It was so frustrating.
Then because of the flat tire I couldn't drive my truck to my MOPS table Christmas cookie get together. So I called Sylvia to tell her I wasn't going to make it, "well that's too bad because I made a cake for you and we put together a goodie basket in honor of you baby." Oh my goodness, I felt HORRIBLE. So I was able to borrow Cindy's (my mother in law) car and make it over to Sylvia's. I was very glad I went because I really love hanging out with the girls from my MOPS table. They are all so sweet, interesting, and talented.

I know it's crazy, but I'm really glad it's Monday. Aiden has a full day of school to go get the social time, stimulation and energy that he needs (with out sucking my will to live). I have a Dr appointment, and hopefully Lucy is really head down now. I am also looking forward to being checked. I have been having lots of little contractions that come and go. I am hoping for just a little progress. I had this with Aiden and Nolan, they were both about a week early.
After the Dr my mom is following me to go get my tire fixed. And hopefully I will be able to go get a new phone today.

This, again, was more of a rant than a real blog post. I actually have something much more interesting to write about tomorrow.

"Lord, please help me to RELAX. Today is a new day. I pray that you would open doors today and help me to accomplish what I need to accomplish, and let go of what I don't. Amen."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hold the Phone!!

Life is such a mystery. My phone quit last night. I have a Razor, it has held up really well, and I actually didn't see it coming. Here is a short list of reasons why not having my phone is BAD right now.
1. I'm dangerously pregnant and shouldn't go anywhere alone
2. Bryan is in N.Y. and the house phone doesn't have long distance
3. Bryan is in N.Y. and T-Mobile probably won't replace the phone with out his signature
4. All my phone numbers were in the phone
5. It's almost Christmas and I wasn't planning on spending money on a new phone right now (especially since I was planning on forking out money for an upgrade after the holidays)
6. I woke up with contractions this am and I am taking the kids to a birthday party, and if something happens on the freeway Aiden will have to deliver the baby (hahahaha, probably not) Catch!

So yeah, that's my rant this morning. I attempted to make myself a peppermint mocha at home this morning. I should have just run to Starbucks. Lattes are never the same from home.

I spent the whole day cleaning and acting like a looney yesterday. I wasn't as sad about Bry being gone as I anticipated (thank you, I know several of you prayed for me). I also decided that if Lucy wants to come out this week while Bry is gone it would be okay, I'm the one who does all the work anyway :) And the other bonus is I get to watch all the chick flicks I want and I don't have to share the bed or pillows (I used 5 last night).

Adios from Crazyville.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Drug Addict and the Shopping Addict

So I'm really posting because it is part of my effort to keep busy this morning. I just got back from dropping Bryan off at the airport :(

Anyway, so I actually have a short "Aiden Anecdote" to share from yesterday. Bryan was home so he got Aiden off the bus for me after school. When they came in the door Bryan was laughing hysterically. "Go tell your mom what you just told me," he ordered.
"What happened?" I asked Aiden. As he approached me I noticed something green all over his hands and nose.
"We had smelly markers, but they gave me a headache."
On closer inspection I noticed the inside of Aiden's nose was actually "Sour Apple Green".
I didn't laugh (until later).
We considered re-hab, but apparently he learned his lesson.

So today I am considering all kinds of ways to keep busy, most of which include some kind of therapeutic shopping.However I just took Bryan to buy some really nice new dress clothes for his trip, so I probably shouldn't, but the female shopping disease will probably win. A new sweater and some fuzzy house slippers would probably make me feel better ;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've been up since 4:44

I am such a wreck today. Poor Keren gets to hear me whine for a couple hours this morning. Hopefully after a latte I will be in a better mood.
In my defense I must say it is all hormones fault. I am not usually a tearful, fretful, or whiney type. But I have been having these OUTRAGEOUS mood swings. Yesterday at bible study we watched a video taught by Beth Moore, whom I really enjoy. I actually got up and left because she was yelling. If you have ever seen her teach you know what I mean. She gets really into it, I grew up in Texas so I understand her style. But yesterday I wanted to run for cover. My small group looked at me like I was CRAZY when I came back, and my only explanation was "she was yelling".
So anyway. Bryan has tomorrow off and then he takes off for the Big Apple. I am so nervous about him being gone. I'm really sick of being pregnant, but I am HORRIFIED of having the baby without him here. I think I would be damaged forever. I can't think of another person who I would let in the delivery room with me, I only want him. Let me put it this way; we've been through some "stuff" together and he is seriously like my security blanket. My Achilles heel. He always stays with me in recovery too. We even sleep in the tiny hospital bed together.
So anyway, the pressure to stay pregnant for 2 more weeks is on (that's kind of a long time)He comes back the 12th (hopefully).
((sigh)) "what's for breakfast?"

"Lord help me to have more courage. I know that I should be enjoying so many blessings right now, but instead I am full of doubt. Help me to meet this test with belief instead of unbelief. You already know what the next step should be. PLEASE protect my husband. I ask this every morning when he leaves for work, and I will probably never stop doing this, but please let it be because I trust you with his life and not because I think I need to remind you about him. Please fill this day with unexpected blessings for my family, and my friends. Amen."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Picture

I'm editing this picture for our Christmas cards, but I'm only committing to sending cards to family this year because I sorta have enough going on as is. So here it is, we just had my mom take a couple pics on Thanksgiving. I still need to take some nice pics of the boys. Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well other than Aiden's cheese face. I've always had a hard time getting him to understand how to smile when we take a picture.
Speaking of Aiden, I am so glad he is heading back to school today. Not because I didn't love having him around last week, but the change in his routine made him CRAZY! He wasn't really functioning very well the past couple days. So getting back to school is just what he needs today.
I on the other hand have several things I want/need to do today, and I am worried the big belly is going to slow me down. Last time I went to our storage unit to find something I think I made the manager so nervous. He kept walking by to make sure I was okay. But at this point I'm like "hey, what's the worst that could happen, I go into labor?" So yeah, wish me luck. I'm trying to find some of the Christmas decorations. Yikes.
My other plan for the day is to go to the Super Mall. I haven't been there in a while.
Does anyone know anything about the new GoBebe store in Sumner/Puyallup off Main? I drove past it the other day. I don't want to waste my time if it's one of those "we'll design your expensive nursery for you" stores.