Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not such a bad week after all

I did so much complaining this past week, now I have to turn around and give some praise. God has answered my prayers and met all of my needs this week. Sometimes things don't work that way, and there is more waiting involved, but not this time.
I have a new phone.
I have NEW TIRES on my truck (an early Christmas gift from mom and dad)
Lucy is head down, stuck and making me very uncomfortable (in a good way)
Bryan is coming home tomorrow morning...
and a bonus I received a Babies R Us Gift card from a friend at church so I can go do something fun today. I think Jamba Juice will also be involved.

I was also lucky enough to hang out with Jessica and Keeley yesterday. Now I really need my baby. She reminded me of what I'm waiting for. During the last weeks of pregnancy it's easy for the focus to become about "labor" and "me". It's hormones I'm sure.

Is it snowing right now? I haven't even looked outside. I have been trying to ignore the weather reports. I lived in Buffalo for 4 years, I could do with out snow. Really. But in my history of child baring I think there was only one baby who wasn't born with snow on the ground, so...

Yes, my contractions are getting worse. I am really hoping Finley is going to strip the membranes at my appointment on Monday, given that she is actually head down for once, and theses contractions are getting a little obnoxious. I had them ALL day yesterday. They either stop when I'm sleeping or they aren't enough to wake me. I double checked to make sure I have everything ready for the hospital. I am pretty experienced in packing a hospital bag. I haven't packed Bry's yet though. I will tomorrow. I always put in snacks and comfy clothes for him too (and usually a surprise or two)

"Lord thank you for helping me to recognize all the ways I am blessed. Life is full of bad days and unexpected problems. I will always try to focus on you and how you have already saved me. There are probably many things you have spared me from that I never even knew. Thank you for helping my to see what I have and not what I don't. Amen."

1 comment:

guruburu said...

mmmm,, you just made me crave jamba juice :)