Sunday, December 14, 2008

Grumble Free

I'm still pregnant. I am really looking forward to my appointment tomorrow morning. Bryan is going with me, normally he doesn't get too. But there is a chance some decisions will be made tomorrow. Otherwise I am hoping she is really head down this time, and that maybe some of these contractions are paying off.
Bryan came home on Friday, he got home at 11 in the morning so the kids went with me to the airport. We usually just pick him up in the arrivals drive up, but we actually parked and went in. Kinda exciting.
Yesterday we went to the Motorcycle show at Quest. Jack went with us, but Aiden stayed home. We really struggled with that decision because we knew Aiden would love to see Valantino Rossi's motorcycle, but there was WAY too much stimulation there for him. It was $13 per adult, so we really didn't want to pay that much if we weren't going to be able to stay and enjoy ourselves.
In other news I started the ol "please Lord let the labor start soon" herbal regimen. Evening Primrose, Blue and Black Cohosh, and Raspberry leaf tea. Plus we went out for Mexican Friday, and yesterday I ate half a pineapple. I refuse to use caster oil. I tried it with the other kids and it is possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. I can't get it to go down (or stay down).
So if anyone has any other suggestions please pass them along. I would rather use natural remedies and have her soon than get induced next week.
It occurred to me yesterday that there are several other things to look forward to this month. I am trying to decide what to get Jack for his birthday. I am pretty settled on art supplies and some toddler begging (although he isn't graduating to his big boy bed yet). And for myself I will probably have a day to pamper myself once the holidays are over. I decided what I am doing for Nolan's b-day this year (in March) but I am tempted to do it sooner. I found out I was pregnant right after his birthday last year and didn't get the chance to do what I planned. I'll blog about that a little closer to when it happens, I don't want to remind anyone how strange I am right now.

"Thank you Lord, this has been a really nice weekend. Thank you for bringing Bryan home safely. Please keep my family safe while they travel this weekend. Help me to be patient. Amen."


Keren said...

even though this never worked for me...I tried:
bouncing for hours on the exercise ball, sex, Mexican food, walking the Supermall 10 times, pineapple, EPO..and I few other things I'll tell you about on Wednesday :) Praying miss Lucy is head down!!

Michelle said...

Boy, I'm right there with you. Doesn't this weather just make it an extra-fabulous time of year to have a baby? Yuck. I'm terrified of having bad weather to drive in this week. I don't know of any labor-inducing methods that actually work. I started using EPO last week, and we'll see tomorrow if it has made any difference. We're still scheduled to tentatively have her Wednesday! I look forward to hearing how your appt. goes today.