Thursday, January 22, 2009

God is with me on the mountain, and in the Sumner Valley

YES!! We are moving February 20th! I am so excited about this. It's really an answer to prayer. I feel so blessed right now. Daily life has been pretty stressful lately, but not with out it's rewards. God has really put the right house in the right place at the right time. The only packing we will have to do is what we have here, everything else is in storage. It's been funny, since we last walked through the house we have been trying to remember what we have. Moving is going to be like Christmas all over, except it is going to be stuff we already have. I already mentioned there are a few things we are looking for, so now I'm praying that those things all fall into place. (some of you have already mentioned that you have those items)
This has been an interresting season in my life. I hope I have learned something from it. I think I have but... it's been difficult. I am sure that all the hard work of becoming debt free is going to pay off, especially with the economy in this low state.
So, now to change the subject: here is the latest on Aiden. I haven't really talked about him in a while. Partly because there was just so much other stuff going on. Also because he hit a real low just after Christmas, it was pretty depressing for me. His 6th birthday is quickly approaching, and there have been so many days when I cried and wished he was really going to be "6". I guess I had some days that it just got a little too painful to talk about. I worry about him. I fear that his behavior and differences from other kids may be catching up socially. I hate the thought of my smart, funny, sweet little boy being ostrisized by other kids. I am afraid other people won't see what we see in him, and he will continually be sold short in life. I also worry that when he is older he will start to notice the way other people view him, and I fear he could someday become depressed. Although, these are really just my fears, because in reality Aiden gets along with everyone he meet. People may not understand him, but they are often drawn to him. H is willing to try things and meet new people with out fear. He often gets other kids in trouble because they mimic him.
So that's it for now. I guess it's not really an interresting post, but at least things are going well. I don't like to try to be a "martyr", but really we've had a run of bad luck... for several years. And it had a pretty interresting start, but that's a whole other post.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love your post titles lately. They crack me up!

You know you have someone who understands re: Aiden in me. I haven't really blogged about T much because its just the same old stuff really. Some days are good, some days are bad. Some days are really really bad. The last two days have been bad. Actually, I have noticed that he acts out the most during the 20-24th of each month. So so weird. He reverts to hand-flapping and blurting out nonsense on top of all the other daily weird stuff.
Sorry, I should be writing this in an email! But I just wanted to let you know that I have the exact same thoughts/feelings pretty much every day. Someday you and I have got to meet up. Really!

Hang in there -- soo happy about the house!
