Wednesday, January 28, 2009

hey nonny nonny

I must announce today that as of February 1st I am having our home Internet disconnected. We have an air card on the laptop, but I don't like to use it as it is super slow and annoying. I will still have my email address and will blog and email from Starbucks and my mom's. My cell phone number will also be the same. So if you don't have any of those things now is the time to let me know so I can get them to ya. Part of this decision came from the fact that we are moving, but we aren't planning on reconnecting right away because Internet is a "want" not a "need". So we'll probably hook it up eventually, but I can't say when. So I will probably get a blog out once or twice a week after this week.
So we are still on a mission to find beds for the boys. After some thinking we have decided both the boys need twin size beds in the new house, toddler beds aren't big enough. I think a couple people mentioned having beds or frames, sorry I didn't make note at the time, so if anyone has twin beds to get rid of please let me know, preferably by email because I keep track of that better. So here I am again making a list of items we are looking for because we will buy what we have to but would rather buy from a friend, or find things on loan.
- 2 twin beds
- fridge
- washer and dryer
- dining room table and chairs to seat 6

So ya, moving is getting closer and closer but we have a couple adventures we have to survive first.
(Warning: TMI ahead)
Bryan is having a little "operation" tomorrow. He seems more excited than scared. So this is the official end to our child bearing years. although it is hard to imagine never going through pregnancy and birth again (because it is all I have done the past 6 years) I am excited about moving on.
I am considering taking on a little side job as a wine consultant. It would be from home, and I would do wine tastings for people's parties. Just something I have been considering, more for the social outlet then to sell anything.
I'm also thinking about going back to school next year, just online at first. I think I know what I want to do but I have changed my mind so many times. I'm not ready to talk about it out loud yet, I have to think about it a little more first.

In the beginning of February Bryan is heading back to Virginia with another boat. Then when he comes back... we move, and Aiden's birthday!

So I'm going to try to post pics and things the next few days before I loose touch with civilization. Oh boy.

"Lord, thank you for days when I wake up in a good mood for no reason. There are always stressful things going on in life, but I would rather allow you to fill me up with joy then be taken over by anxiety. Help me to have patience with all the little people I have at home today. Help Bryan to get over this wretched cold he's had. Thank you for today, Wednesday January 28th, 2009. Amen."


Michelle said...

I can't believe how much hair Lucy has! Tons more than Megan! Good luck with all the stuff you guys have going on. Hopefully (maybe?) life will calm down a little soon. I don't know if I still have your email address, but I was one who mentioned having a twin bed frame available to loan. It's not fancy at all, it's just a frame. Let me know if you're interested.

Jessica said...

she is too cute, i can't get a good pic of keeley smiling...and Lucy looks like she is laughing! I always get the begining or the end... :P