Tuesday, January 13, 2009

House of wax

Don't be fooled that because I haven't been posting that my life hasen't been interresting. It's been CRAZY! Anyone out there who is thinking about having a third baby talk to me first. I highly recomend it, but there are some warnings and advisories too.
Anyway, so I have two stories/events to tell you about today.
The first is probably the funniest most embarassing thing that has ever happened to me (next to that toot that slipped out during story time in 4th grade). Yesterday I decided I had had enough of my scarey eye brows that had not been groomed since before miss Lucy was born. Normally in this situation I would head to the salon and get a pro to do it. However that just sounded rediculous, taking 3 kids into the salon, ha. So I went to Target and got some wax and strips and went home to take care of it myself. Long story short... hot wax spilled all over my right eye, leaving me short a few lashes and HALF AN EYEBROW!!! Thank goodness for makeup. I look like a pirate or a broadway performer. Vanity.
The next story is much more "important" and I would love all of your prayer. We found a house. We just started looking, and I admit we have been really nervous about this move for so many reasons I will relate at another time. But I must admit, I think God really showed me this house. I always feel nervous about claiming to know the mind of God, but there was so many arrows pointing to this. The flood, school issues, family issues (and maybe some deterioration in our current situation), bills that suddenly got paid, Bryan's raise (Hallelujuah!!!). And then I found this house, and thought it was a bait and switch because it was too good to be true.
Well I have the application in hand today, and have a lot of work to do to get it done with Bryan all the way in Texas. PLEASE pray for us. We want to walk in God's will so strongly, we know what happens if we don't. It's like everything else in life, we can't do it with out Him (have you seen "Prince Caspian"?)

"Lord, bless this day with peace and productivity. Lord, help me to find peace in knowing that you will be in control of this change in my life. My family needs your presence just as we always do. My prayer today, also, is that if this house is not meant to be that we won't get approved, as apinful as that would be. Help me to put all my wordly and material desires aside and focus on what you want me to do next. Amen."


Keren said...

How exciting!!! Im praying for you guys!! Where is this house located?? Im assuming since you want to be away from flooding I shouldnt get my hopes up that it would be in Orting :) hehe.

Jessica said...

oh yay, you should send me the link, I wanna see!!!!!!

tscarter7 said...

I will be praying for you Mandi! Sorry about your eyebrow (may it rest in peace)...you always make me laugh! It sounded like something that would happen to me! :)
Hope this house thing works out for you!
PS hi to my little buddy Aiden!