Monday, January 26, 2009

Worth the weight

Cute, huh?

It finally hit me. I hate post pregnancy baby weight. Really. I am making an appointment to go get my hair done, and it feels so pointless. I keep thinking "my hair isn't the problem". I am working really hard to relax. I had a baby 4 weeks ago.
I am just disappointed with how far I still am from my pre pregnancy weight. I though that because I was fit to start, and didn't gain over the recommended amount that I would end up at a better number. I have 2 more weeks until I'm allowed to return to full physical activity. I miss working out. I'm a little nervous about trying to go back to my squeaky clean eating habits. I didn't cut carbs as long as I was preggo, so I will have to kick the habit all over again. Exciting/scary. Anyone interested in teaming up let me know, but let me warn you I take it seriously and if you buddy up with me expect me to hound you night and day.


tscarter7 said...

Hey, Mandi, talk to Amy, Pam and Keren. They are doing some worked called "shredded" I think?You guys are all so motivated! Good for you! I'm going to start walking! :) Love the pic of Lucy. What a doll. Can't wait to meet her!

tscarter7 said...

Ooops! I just read my comment It's not a "worked"'s a "work out!"

sarah said...

She is so cute!
Can you believe Bible Study was cancelled!!! Ugh!!
What a month.
Ok, you totally need to give yourself a break-you will get back into shape sheesh 4 weeks is not that long!

Jessica said...

She is sooo cute!! I can't wait to see you guys again! I have already started a low carb diet so feel free to bug me anytime!