Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is this some kind of bootcamp?

I think the plan was this... we stick her with 3 kids. An infant, a kid with Asbergers, and the last will be in his terrible twos. Then we're going to take her husband away for two weeks. During those two weeks it's going to flood, her kids will get sick (and this will involve vomit, she needs to buy a house, and we are going to make sure she does it all on her own! By the time it's over she will be ready for regular day to day life with three kids and she won't ever feel like complaining again.
So the status on the house is we have all our papers in and we are waiting for approval. We are hoping to know on Monday. I guess it could be sooner, but it from what I understand this finance guy is quite a stickler. I feel pretty confident about things right now, the agent was really positive about things.
On a only slightly different subject; ya know how sometimes when you have already braced yourself for the worst, and then something really nice happens you suddenly realize you weren't trusting or listening to God. For example, I had to print out our credit reports. I obviously won't tell you my credit score, but the point is I had already prepared myself for something terrible. Things really do work together for good for those who are trust/love God.


Jessica said...

So call me slow... but I just now got the title of your blog... Amanda hug n kiss..." a man to hug and kiss" lol!

Amanda Hug'n Kiss said...

Actually, although your observation is correct Jess, I got the title from a kid I liked in 4th grade. He was a big Simpsons fan. Bart is always prank calling Mo's tavern, and in one episode he asks for A-man-da-hug-n -kiss (a man to hug n kiss). So I was Amanda Hug'n Kiss forever after.