Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Blog World

It seems like everyone I know has a blog now. I have had a blog for a while on myspace and I guess it is progressing into this. I literally had 3 friends email me their new blogspot links just this week. Well, this way I can leave people comments and stay in the know. I know that I won't get around to posting everyday. I also have a tendency to get personal sometimes, I'm really open like that. I mean, why not, most people already know the most painful parts of my life as it is.
So having that said, welcome to my new blog. For anyone who doesn't already know, here is the update on my life:
Bryan and I have been married for about 6 1/2 years. He is my best (and sometimes only) friend. We have been through so much together that no one else will ever understand. I am so lucky. We have had three boys; Aiden 5, Jack 1 1/2, and Nolan is our angel baby who went to heaven March 21st 2005 when he was 2 hours old. And now we have another baby on the way. This one has been a huge surprise and I am still adjusting (and will probably complain a lot). I will talk more about all that some other time.
We are now living back in our home town of Sumner, Washington.
We have had so many changes, surprises, and struggles over the past few years. I am trying to look ahead now, but my past is always close behind, and has shaped me into who I am now. God has allowed all my experiences, good and bad, and sometimes it is for no other reason than for his glory. I like to philosophize and theorize about life's meanings and details, but sometimes it comes back around to "the world is an imperfect place".
So good luck following along with this blog. Some days I may write about what new creation I made for dinner last night, and others I may write about the faults I have found in the modern Christian Church. (it's a large gap to bridge I know, but I'm a thinker)
I would like to make an attempt to end each blog in a personal prayer for the day, maybe based on what is going on in my life. Someone else out there may need it too.

"Lord and Father, you are the only creator, and so I thank you for the sunshine today. Let everything I say and express here is this public place be honoring, honest, and kind. Whatever I do is yours. Amen"

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

Hi Mandi! I'm excited you have a blog! I miss you! Can I add yours to my blogroll?