Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yesterday was such a pleasant surprise. I had a last minute ultrasound at 3:30 in the afternoon that showed with out a doubt
So today I don't even know what to do with myself. I keep looking and the pictures but it just doesn't feel real. After Aiden's back to school shopping is done it is going to be time to start buying some girl things. I am so ready to head over to my favorite boutique Sugar Babies, I have had a running mental list of adorable little things I want to get there.
This is going to be a whole new challenge. But this girl is lucky, because she has 2 older brothers to look out for her. And I know this is silly but because they are so close in age (like Aiden and Nolan) I like to say their names together. The babies: Jack and Lucy.
So obviously I am in la-la-land today.
Before getting pregnant this time, Bryan and I decided we were officially done having kids. After loosing Nolan and 6 miscarriages, we were tired. We were also content with our 2 boys. I had been loosing weight, and feeling really comfortable with life. Bryan and I had plans to go to Corpus Christi in January (ha ha). Well, Aiden had two friends who had new babies at their houses. So he asked me if he would ever have another brother or sister. I told him "no, mommy and daddy are very happy with just you and Jack and we aren't planning on having any more babies". So he told me "I'm going to pray that Jesus will reach in and pull one more baby out of your tummy". I laughed. Then only 2 weeks later I was sitting him down telling him "guess what, mommy has a new baby in her tummy". "I knew it", he said, "I prayed to Jesus for a baby sister, and it really happened!" God answers our children's prayers! I just thought it was so funny that now, I know that despite my plans, God was listening to my 5 year old!
And to make yesterday an even cooler day the new Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie trailer was released (finally) . It can be seen on So that was just a bonus.
As for today, well Bryan took my truck to work so I am stuck here with 2 kids who woke up way to early. That's okay, I am feeling pretty productive and have some housework to do so that I can enjoy all the fun things I am going to do this week/weekend.
I am going to upload my ultrasound pics this weekend, I don't have a scanner here. There was a really cute face pic and one where you can see the whole spine and Lucy is all curled up with her butt up.
Ahhh. Everybody have a great day :)
"Dear Lord, thank you. Amen."


Melissa Guay said...

Mandi!!! Congratulations, that is SO EXCITING!!!!! Wow, your little man must have a direct line to Jesus. :))) So very happy for you - girls are an entirely different breed that you will love - so will her daddy. :)

Michelle said...

I just have to write and say CONGRATULATIONS again!!! :) I am so happy that you got to find out, and that it's a girl (for both of us). This will be such a neat new adventure.

Apryl said...

Congrats to you and Bryan! I feel so out of the loop with everyone having girls! There's Keren, Jessica, Michelle and now you. Too bad Christian is already spoken for!!! LOL Now I want a girl even more than I did before.... that won't be for at least 3 years, maybe more unless it is God's plan for us to have another little one sooner!

Becca said...

Yay!!! How exciting! I just love the name Lucy, too! Congrats to you guys =) =) =)