Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 15th is a good day to be born!

Wow, two of my friends may be having their babies right now! My friend Jen called me while I was at the grocery last night. She was about to go back to the hospital. She was there last week and they gave her medication to stop her labor. She's only about 35 weeks, but they haven't put her on bed rest or anything. So she was going back last night because the contractions had returned! I haven't heard an update, but I'm hoping to hear something before lunch. It's possible they stopped her labor again and she is home resting.

Also, Jessica sent out a text at about 3:00am to let everyone know she was 5cm and resting comfortably with her epidural. I am hoping to get a picture of baby Keeley and minute!

I was already wishing the end would hurry up and get here, but now my pregnant friends aren't going to be pregnant anymore!! Hang in there Michelle, I don't want to be the only one!

1 comment:

Keren said...

hey mandi,
I meant to give Angela your present on Sunday so she could give it to you tomorrow at Mops...ugh! Mommy brain! ...anyhoots I also wanted to include a hooter hider too but i wanted you to pick one out...I will post pics of all 25 of them very very soon...just let me know which one you like and I will make sure to get it to you before Lucy gets here :)