Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday tips on gift receiving

1. When receiving a gift you feel is useless or of no value; refrain from confused expressions or speechlessness. Instead give your friend or loved one a hug so that they can't see your face, and a hug is worth a thousand words.

2. When receiving a gift from someone who is elderly or advanced in age; refrain from commenting on it's strange odor or likeness to what they got you last year. If it is a similar stuffed animal to the one they got you for your birthday say something thoughtful like "Oh, how nice, a friend for teddy-muffin. Thank you so much."

3. When unwrapping a gift you must be cautious not to tear the paper away with too much vigor, it puts too much pressure on the giver to meet your expectations. Unwrap slowly and careful while telling the generous gifter how much you are enjoying the paper and that you might like to save it for something later.

4. If the gift you are unwrapping was wrapped with more than one roll of scotch tape it is always appropriate to say "wow, you did a really secure job of wrapping this." This shows that you pay attention to all their hard work.

5. It is okay to wait until the gifter is not looking or cause a distraction that gives you time to shake the box and make sure that strange odor is not in fact coming from the box. If you find that the smell or scratching sounds are in fact coming from your gift, tell the giver that you have a rule about opening gifts before Christmas and you want to take the gift home and put it under your tree. Release the gift once you are outside and a safe distance (at least 20meters) away from any buildings or schools.

6. If an estranged family member drives across town to offer you a gift tell them you can't with out a lawyer present and calmly shut the door. The best place to seek shelter in this situation is in a bathtub with a mattress pulled over the top protecting you from heavy falling objects.

7. If a child picks out a gift "just for you", it's probably something good.

Merry Getmas

** Note to my Skinny jeans friends: I worked out today and used my new ipod Bryan got me for x-mas. SO mush better with my music, I still Shreded, just with out listening to Jillian. I think I worked harder too, my music gets me moving.
Try it out if you're looking for new stuff:
"Crossing the Rubicon" is the name of the album by The Sounds

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