Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Moon: * *

It is time...
You all know how much I like to write a good 'ol movie review. Actually November 25, 2008 I blogged my review of "Twilight", it still stands.
So I am firmly convinced that the purpose of this movie was to try sway all of those die hard "Team Edward" fans over into the "Team Jacob" pile, or at least leave all of us somewhere between. Pretty successful on that front, but left me feeling really sad. I was really in love with Edward before and sure that Jake wasn't my type....
Anyway, the first time I saw the flick it was opening weekend and I was in a theater with with 200 tweens. They were awful! Making all these sound effects and noises. What does a 12 year old girl really care about Jacob Black peeling his shirt off 3ft from camera? More than they should I think. And that's not the worst part about it! Two words... Bryan and Matt. Yes boys, we know you think is dumb. Taking the men's club with me, HUGE MISTAKE.
So, last night I gave it a well deserved second chance. I wanted to at least enjoy it, even it I didn't love it. So I went with my mommy (who has read the books and went voluntarily).
SO-HUH-OH MUCH BETTER. Still not an award winner by any means, by rather quite true to the book. Of course it omitted much of the feeling and pining that Bella does when her vampire vamps off into the night leaving her all alone (tear).
I love the real Edward, the one trapped in the book, but Rob is going to have to earn his way back into my affections. Go team Jacob. I'm no wolf but I'm just gonna hang out on the fence for a while.

Two stars, one thumb, a few regrets.

Here is a teaser pic from the set of Eclipse


Candace said...

You know I loved all the books but I really dont love the movies! I will buy them and watch them of course. But I will never like them as much as the books. And I was soo in love with Edward in the books but Rob's weird nipple things kinda freaks me out. hahaha I mean whats up with that?! I honestly think he should be alittle more in shape to be playing Edward, dont you think?

tscarter7 said...

I looooved all the books and so far I really like the movies too. I never expect to like a movie as much as the book so I haven't been disappointed yet. I'm curious what your mom thought of the movie?