Saturday, December 26, 2009


I am laying here in bed, about to slip into a coma from all the sugar and Christmas carbs I have eaten the past few days, and I am thinking about how nice it will feel to work out tonight (after I wake up from my coma). So, to all my shredding and skinny jeans friends...
Please be thinking about some new year goals you would like to make for your self. This is a great time to make a clean break from all those bad eating habits. Go ahead and enjoy the rest of your holiday, obviously I am.

Ugh, I ate thirds of the cheesy potatoes, and now I'm regretting so many things.

Merry Christmas!


Missy said...

Okay. I'm ready. I got a GC to Target, I'm going to buy The Shred. Plus I have my Wii Fit. Let's do it! (okay, maybe AFTER your birthday party.)

Amanda said...

I popped over here from a comment you left on Missy's blog because I couldn't resist not - I have ALWAYS been called "amanda hug'n kiss"! :) People think that's oh so clever. Then I saw your URL, I'm also a "mandy lou" - my Grandma used to call me Mandy Lou Who (after the Dr. Suess, since my middle name is Louise).

I failed at the Shred earlier this year, but it's already sitting next to my TV to try again starting this week!