Friday, September 26, 2008

No Milk

So I started to take Aiden off all dairy a few weeks ago when school started. He has been dairy free (except for a couple times when others gave him things he wasn't supposed to have) for about 2 weeks. Twice this week he has come home and told me names of kids in his class, and once he told me he has a "girlfriend". He also hasn't been taken out of class due to tantrums since last Thursday. A whole week with out going to the principal or intervention specialist because of the violent tantrums. That was very impressive to me.
And the strangest thing of all...
Last night he was having a really hard time, as he often does after long school days. He ended up throwing a massive fit (that started because of something having to do with hand washing). I had to physically take him out of the bathroom and put him in his room. He was screaming at me and yelling horrible things, as he often does, and reduced me to tears, as he often does. I left him for a few minutes and noticed that he quieted pretty quickly. When I went back in he looked at me with a sad face and said "I have something to tell you. I'm very sorry I was having a tantrum." And he started to cry. I held him and told him how proud daddy and I are of all his hard work at school and reminded him how much Jack loves him. He cried even harder! "What's wrong?" I asked him. "My heart is broken because I know I broke your heart so many times." he replied.
This may have been one of the most amazing moments of my life. He was showing real feelings of remorse and caring. "My heart isn't broken," I said,"my feelings were just hurt."
He cried for another 15 seconds before popping back up to go brush his teeth.

I don't even know what to say. It was an answered prayer. I actually feel differently toward him today. Maybe it's the milk. Maybe it was God. I don't know. Probably both.

Somebody say a little prayer for us today.

Note: if you haven't already, you must read my post from yesterday. I am still recovering from that one.


Jessica said...

Yay Mandi! I am so glad that you are seeing the results of your hard work with him! I just love how much you love your boys and just know that Lucy will have the best mommy ever!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mandi, this is so sweet. Jaxon does the same thing sometimes, and I melt. It was so good to see you last night! I don't think we've ever just been in a place where we could just be silly and laugh!! I added your blog to mine, so yes please add me!!