Monday, August 25, 2008

Dealing with the stress of this week.

We has a pretty good weekend. It was really busy. On Saturday Aiden stayed the night with his cousins. Bryan and I went to the wedding of a girl I have known for a really longs time. Melanie was one of my first and best friends here in Washington. Several of our other really close friends who I hadn't seen in a long time were there too.
Then yesterday we picked up Aiden and went to church. After church we ate at the Olive Garden and went by our storage unit.
I was tired last night, but didn't quite get the good sleep I hoped for. Jack was whining in his sleep a better part of the night and I was up and down checking on him. Lucy was super wiggly, which is like trying to sleep next to someone who won't lay still.
Today has plenty of potential to be a good day. I haven't decided what we are going to do yet. I am trying to come up with some fun things to do because this is Aiden's last week of vacation.

So here is my confession for the day. I have totally screwed up my budget for the next couple weeks, maybe even the month. It wasn't all my fault. I went over my budget at the grocery, but we were out of so many things, and I didn't hardly buy groceries the past couple weeks so I was making up for it. Then there was the gift for the wedding on Saturday, and my brother's birthday. I did buy some new clothes for Jack, but I didn't go all out like I did for Aiden's school clothes. Then there was Olive Garden yesterday, which I felt suuuuuper guilty about, but Bryan and Aiden had decided on their own that we should go there after church. I couldn't hardly say no. So today I have the grim task of going back and re-doing the budget to see how things are going to fit. It's not a crisis, but I feel so rotten about it. I have been so hard core about sticking to our plans and budget. I think we were all just getting tired of never doing anything because of my strict agenda. bad bad bad. So hopefully I didn't make any major problems for myself.

This, is going to be a good day. I don't know why or how yet, but it will. In fact I think this can be a really good week. I'm going to choose peace right now. I could be worried about the plans for Aiden's first school week being really up in the air (which I'm sure I will talk more about that the next few days) and money, and Bryan's upcoming trip, and so many other things. But I'm not going to do that. One day at a time, one minute at a time, only one decision at a time. I do know all things will work together for good.

Time to go get dressed.

"Dear Lord, please bless all of my friends with peace this week. I have a feeling that there are other people who need your peace just as much as I do. As Christians we should already realize that because this is a sinful work there will always be more difficulty and challenges around the corner. To live is Christ, which certainly isn't easy. Please give us unexpected joy today. Amen."

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