Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I think I might be pregnant.

There are usually a couple of points in pregnancy where I wake up in the morning and I am literally "bigger" than the day before. This week has been one of those weeks. I have gained 12 lbs (yay! I probably gained 25 by this point with Jack) which is right on track according to Pregnancy Week by Week, it says between 10-15 lbs is average. The only reason I care anyway, really, is I worked so hard to loose it just back in February/March. So I like the thought that maybe the numbers won't get quite as high as before and loosing will be easier because I will be starting from a better place? But here is the reality, and many of you who have babies know what I mean, the "Third Trimester". Ya know, when you gain like a pound a day off salad, soup and ice cream. So my point is that I am preparing for the reality that I may not have as much say in the numbers as I want to think I do. But I can still wear my jeans! I don't know how, but I can. I have one pair of maternity jeans, and other than that I still love my Lucky Brand.
(Note: to all first timers, you might be as nuts as me when you reach your 4th pregnancy :)

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