Monday, August 18, 2008

My mind is full on Monday

I had a really fun weekend, but I am so glad to be back to the old grind. I was also very pleasantly surprised to see that it is now still dark outside when I wake up (fall is coming!).
My sis in law was in town last week through yesterday. We had a really good time, but now I am ready for my usual routine.
Today I am going to the Sumner School Dist Admin building to talk to them about Aiden and which school would be best for him. We have been planning on Maple Lawn Elem. but are wondering in light of all that is going on whether McAlder would be better suited.
Today I am also supposed to hear whether or not he is being accepted into the Aspergers testing program at Children's Hospital.
AND I am supposed to hear back from my doc the results of my ultrasound.
So yeah, I'm glad I finished the laundry last night. Ha.
And to add to it all... WB moved back the release date for the new Harry Potter movie from November to NEXT STINK'N JULY!!! When I read that last night I literally felt tears come to my eyes. My favorite of the books Half Blood Prince, is finally coming to theaters in almost a year from now. I'm devastated. We actually already had November 21st all planned out. We were going to go to the 12:01 show, and I was going to dress up like a Griffyndor :(
Anyway, life goes on.
So, I have been nesting really bad. I want to do the whole nursery thing. I have had so many cute little ideas. But I don't have anywhere to put it because we aren't moving until after the holidays, probably closer to spring. I know I have complained about this several times. It's just really been on my mind. Please pray for us that we will know when the time is right and the right house will be available. Also pray for Bryan's job. He loooooves his job. He may actually have the coolest job I've ever heard of. But... they maybe haven't been compensating him very well. He recently got a really good job offer from a company that I won't name right now. So when his review comes around in December we will either have to decide to stick around or go with this other company (which has a branch here but isn't based in this country:) So yeah, many of you know we have never really been settled here and we have been here for 2 years now!! I know God is trying to lead us somewhere, but is has been so unclear.
So, yeah pray for us. We're complicated, but who isn't?!

"Lord, first I want to lift up friends and family who are healing or have illnesses today. Also for my friends who have been traveling.
Thank you for all the lessons in my life that have taught me how to have peace in the storms, I am so appreciative of that today. Help me to make good decisions for Aiden today, and please lead us in the right direction for his therapy and education. Open all the doors.
Also, remind me to have patience. Remind me to choose happiness where I stand right now. Help me to remember that I can't ever find satisfaction or joy outside of myself through you.
Thank you for this cloudy dark morning. Thank you for all the unexpected joy today. Amen."

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