when what you want is God's will.
So I told you yesterday that I am going to tell you something about my bible study group at Bethany today. It's kind of a secret, they already know part of it, but I'm going to tell the rest because it's pretty cool.
I also want to mention that I woke up this morning and Lucy is heads down toward the exit sign. So let's pray she stays that way. (thank you all those who were praying for me last night)
So as you may know I was REALLY sick over the summer. By the time August rolled around I couldn't wait for bible study, MOPS and all the other school year activities to begin. I was desperate.
At our bible study we have small discussion groups we keep for the whole year. We don't choose them, we are assigned to a group with the exception of one buddy (I chose my mom). So I began praying for my future bible study group through the end of the summer. While I was doing this God placed on my heart to pray for 4 specific people. All 4 were either acquaintances or people I knew of but had not really met before. I'm going to tell you about each one and what I prayed for them"
Brook P.: Brook was a mentor mom at MOPS the past two years in a row. I knew that for a time she went to Valley Bible Church (my home church in Sumner I grew up in) and that her son was the youth leader at Bethany for a while when my brother first started going there. Brook is hilarious. I also had a hunch that she is a very Godly lady and has a lot of wisdom to share. I was sad when I knew she was no longer going to be a mentor mom, because I had been kinda hoping she might end up my mentor mom. I didn't know her at all, but you can always tell when she's in the room. So I switched to praying that she would be attending bible study and that maybe she would end up in my group.
Sarah G.: Last year in MOPS leadership we played secret sister for the whole year, Sarah was my secret sister and I spent the whole year trying to figure out what little gifts to leave her and trying not to make eye contact (I was sure she was going to know it was me) Before the secret sister game started I didn't know who Sarah was. So I really spent the whole MOPS year praying for someone I didn't really know anything about. So when the MOPS year ended and I wasn't trying to be sneaky anymore I realized I still didn't' know anything about her because I spent the whole year hiding, sure that she had some kind of telepathy or x-ray vision. So over the summer I started praying that during the upcoming year she would end up somehow in my social circle so that I could find our more about the person who I had been praying for.
Erin B.: Last year when I was a table leader in MOPS I prayed for all the girls at my table. They were all special and lovely. However the only person God was really pressing on me to pray for during the summer after MOPS was over was over was Erin. I didn't include her whole name, and I think most of the story is common knowledge, so I will share some details of what I had been praying for. Erin and her husband have an adorable little boy. They were hoping to have another baby, but were not able to get pregnant. I remember when she mentioned they weren't going to try anymore and I went home and cried because on some level I knew what empty arms feel like. So I only prayed harder. When MOPS was over I prayed also that God would somehow keep her in my social circle so that I could be there when my prayers were answered (haha).
Christy: I saw Christy when I visited a Sunday School class over the summer.I can't tell you why I prayed for her. I guess God just kept whispering her name in my ear ???
So, the point of this is, all these ladies "randomly" ended up in my small group. Brook also brought her daughter in law Racheal along, so I was doubly blessed with having Brook and a new friend to keep for myself.
Sarah also now my MOPS table leader, she couldn't get away from my if she wanted to. I like everything about her, her hair, her voice, and she may be THE craftiest lady I've ever met.
God blessed me so deeply with my diligence in praying for Erin. I had the privilege of being at the table the day she announced that she is expecting. No one, not even Erin, knew I had been praying for the baby God was going to give her. So I'm sure my emotional response was surprising to everyone, but I was speechless and SO elated. And Christy is still a mystery. I still don't know her. I know that she is quiet, and seems like a really tired mommy. She is often not there. So I'll just keep praying and waiting on that one :)
So always ask.
"Thank you, Lord, for my bible study group. Thank you for the blessing and joy you have provided me through them. Please bless them in return. Amen."